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BlueWorldAquatic 11-22-2012 07:03 PM

*** BWA *** Massive Black Friday Sale & Order
*** BWA *** Massive Black Friday Sale & Order

I don't usually follow what the Americans do, but I thought I'll try it this year

I'll make it easy 20% off everything in the store*

Sale Starts Friday, ending Sunday closing.

*Does Not include AquaMedic Products, as I do not control the prices on their products

subman 11-22-2012 07:15 PM


BlueWorldAquatic 11-22-2012 07:16 PM

Black Friday New Arrivals

Aurora Anemone Coloured

Bali Dottyback
Banggai Cardinalfish (Wild)
Blackfin Dartgoby
Bluelipped Bristletooth Surgeonfish (Juvenile)
Blue-Sided Fairy-wrasse (Juvenile)

Carpet Anemone Blue
Cat's eye Turbo snail's
Cherry Dottyback Male
Copperband Butterflyfish
Coral Hawkfish / Pixy Hawkfish
Corn Anemone Coloured
Cowry Tiger
Crispa Anemone Purple tipped

Decorated Dartgoby / Purple Firegoby
Diana's Hogfish (Juvenile)
Dwarf Hawkfish

Eclipse Hogfish (Adult)
Eibl's Angelfish (Sumatra)
Emperor Angelfish - (Adult)

Fire Cleaner Shrimp

Golden brown Featherduster Tube Worm
Gorgeous Prawngoby
Green Pink-striped Acropora Goby

Hermit Crab Common
Hermit Crab "Fast runner"

Indian Exquisite Fairy-wrasse (Male)
Jewelled Algae Blenny (lawnmower)

Long-Nosed Butterflyfish

Magnificent Anemone Coloured
Marine Betta / Comet

Nassa Mud Snails
Nerita snail -Common

Orange-spotted Pelvicfin Dottyback

Pacific Blue Surgeonfish
Pink Featherduster Tube Worm
Pink Finescaled Dottyback
Powder Brown / Gold Rimmed Surgeonfish

Raccoon Butterflyfish
Red-spotted Pelvicfin Dottyback

Sea Star Blue
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

White Featherduster Tube Worm

Yellow or Blue-Faced Angelfish (Sub Adult)
Yellow Okinawa Acropora Goby

Zebra Lionfish

ensquire 11-22-2012 07:29 PM

Jewelled Algae Blenny is this a starry Blennie?

BlueWorldAquatic 11-22-2012 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by ensquire (Post 766580)
Jewelled Algae Blenny is this a starry Blennie?

Lawnmower Blenny, my friend

ensquire 11-23-2012 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 766643)
Lawnmower Blenny, my friend

Google search showed both, was hoping for the Starry LOL

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