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ickmagnet 11-20-2012 03:41 AM

white dust?
Something is not right with my tank.

After 2 years of everything running smoothly, I've had 3 fish die on me in the last month. Two jumped out of the tank and the third (my precious powder blue), just stopped swimming one day.

I've checked the Nitrite, Nitrate, PH, and Ammonia and everything seems fine.

The only thing "wrong" I can think of is that I do have a lot of aiptasia.

I was taking a look ay my fish today and noticed that all of them are covered in a pwodery white dust, like they are covered in sand or something. I know what ick looks like and it is definitely not that.

They do appear to be eating fine. Any ideas?

George 11-20-2012 05:45 AM

When was the last time you add livestock, especially new fish? A few marine fish diseases/parasites have "white dust" as one of the symptoms. Maybe a picture will help. If no pictures, and you are sure its not marine ich, then google "velvet" or "Brooklynella" to see if the symptoms match yours.
Good luck.

MMAX 11-20-2012 11:38 AM

Marine velvet

RDNanoGuy 11-20-2012 12:12 PM

Definitely Marine Velvet. Your gonna have to quarantine your remaining fish and treat them and let the display tank remain fallow(no fish) for at least 6-8 weeks.

ickmagnet 11-21-2012 04:01 AM

Sorry for the late response. It does look like marine velvet. I've been at work and busy setting up a hospital tank as soon as I got home. I maanged to get my puple tang out of there but looks like he won't make it. I'm treatinmg with copper. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I'm going to go in there now and try to get the rest out. It's not going to be easy. Not sure how I'm gpoing to fit all my fish into the 10 gallon tank.

Yikes!! What a nightmare. Everything was going so well for the last few years.

George 11-21-2012 05:18 AM

sorry to hear that. When you see symptoms for velvet, it's usually too late. A fresh water dip before you put them in the hospital tank might kill off some of parasites on the fish skin.
Good luck.

MMAX 11-21-2012 11:40 AM

It is a nightmare, I dealt with it just over 2 years ago. Depending on how many fish you have, you'll need a bigger hospital tank. Velvet took out 3 of my 8 fish and I was able to keep the 5 of them in a 20gal. I left my main tank fishless for 3 months just to make sure it was gone. Sorry to hear you have this and good luck dealing with it.

ickmagnet 11-22-2012 12:47 AM

Not good.....every fish that I was able to catch has died in the hospital tank. there are two remaining in the main tank (hippo tang and green wrasse). I abandoned trying to catch them. I've spent all night last night and today again since I've been home. I've taken out the rock but it just isn't happening. the green wrasse burrows himself into the sand and cannot be found. The hippo so far seems to be 100% healthy and just way too fast to catch. I've tried to add a glass barrier but I'm still having a hell of a time.

The fish that I was able to catch were not as fast due to the disease and were basically beyond hope.

I'm gonna give it a snother shot but is there any chance that fish can fight it off on their own?? If not, I'll keep trying. I did notice that they do have a white film on them. is it too late?

The only silver lining here is that I can now start treating my aiptasia outbreak. I'll by a bunch of peppermint shrimp and not feed the tank. Hopefully this forces them to eat off the aiptasia

daniella3d 11-22-2012 01:35 AM

YOu can't add any new fish until you have treated all of the contaminated fish in QT and have left the main tank empty of fish for 8 weeks.

When was last time you added something?

This is why quarantine make sense... it is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.

howdy20012002 11-22-2012 01:43 AM

if it is Velvet I would be very surprised that any survive if you dont treat them with copper.
IMO you need to catch the remaining fish and treat them if you want to give them a chance to survive.

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