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SpateD 11-10-2012 06:56 AM

LF: Food
I'm wondering if anyone has any Otohime kicking around? This stuff only sells in bulk, unless you want to pay a high retail price.. I'm considering buying some.. Just thought I'd ask if anyone has any, or knows where to get it?

sick lid 11-10-2012 12:43 PM

How much and what sizes are you looking for? You will now need to get an import permit to order this into Canada

jimbo222 11-10-2012 01:42 PM

I have A, B2 , and C if you like i can sell you some.
how much r you looking for , what are you trying to raise?

SpateD 11-10-2012 01:48 PM

I'm trying inch to raise my clownfish into adults and then in the future breed, but I need to try this stuff before I order any.

jimbo222 11-10-2012 02:15 PM

Otohime is just different sized pellets.You can use size C for all your fish and they go nuts over the stuff.
To grow your fish out feed different types of food but mainly frozen mysis.
My opinion would be to first get a culture of rotifers going as this is the most important step to raising the fry.
If you are able to keep a strong rotifer culture going for a couple of months without crashing it, then you can raise clownfish no problem.

SpateD 11-10-2012 02:19 PM

My picassos are maybe an inch long at best. I have a while until they are even out of juvi phase. They eat otohime at the distribution place, so that's why I'm looking for it.

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