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blureef 10-26-2012 08:14 PM it me or does anyone else feel the same
Hi, I been enjoying this hobby for the last 5 years. I been wondering a few things over the last little while that I have come across just wondering what anyone else's thoughts are.

There are two things in this hobby I just don't understand one is the price differences for livestock from shop to shop. I recently was looking for a purple tip elegance I shopped around was told it would cost be 200+ dollars however I went to one store and bought the same size one for $80. However this same store had some zoanthids for $40 but the store that wanted 200+ for the elegance only wanted $15 for the zoas. It's crazy how the price differs. One would think like any market that they would all be in the same ball park just like when you go buy a TV, you can shop at all the major retailers and the prices are usually the same or close to each other. I understand there allot of variables that account for the price these stores sell them for but some days I swear its like they pick a number from a hat and that's what the price is. Am I totally off, I understand if people offer things such as "arrive alive" or some sort of guarantee that would affect the price which is totally understandable but some of differences in price on livestock is substantial from store to store for the same thing. I understand its a free market and people can charge whatever they want. But it seems like there is no consistency in pricing. I never forget I bought a frag of sps once at a lfs in southern Alberta for $45, one month later I got the colony of the frag for the same price and dealt with the same person.

The other thing I don't understand is when you go online the sites from the states have way more variety. I never seen half the stuff they list anywhere in a store here in Canada or online. Are the laws different down there? Do they have different suppliers? As well it seems the livestock they have is also allot cheaper yet the dollar is the same most of the time.

I am not complaining as I love the hobby and always happy dealing where I buy my stuff, just seeing what others think.

stevenk 10-26-2012 08:29 PM

I hate it when there are no prices and you ask how much and they always turn to you with a puzzling look on their face and say.... "Well I can do....." and they list there price. There voice always seems uncertain , feels like I am in that pawn shop show on tv. As soon as I hear "Well I can do...." it's like ahh man, I feel they don't have there poop in a group.

stevenk 10-26-2012 09:03 PM

Sorry I forgot to add that allot of times I have seen in lfs they will ask an insane price for a coral. Most people are smart and know what it is worth and pass. You would think that after time when it doesn't sell they would lower the price, I seen time after time the coral brown out/bleach and die. Now they take a loss instead of selling it. Confusing it is.

chandigz 10-27-2012 06:54 AM

There are a lot of variables when it comes to priceing. Stores generally base the prices generally on what they pay for them which includes cost of livestock, shipping, brokerage, permitting, doa, and (fish and wildlife fees if coming thru USA) Just because you see two of the same species of coral doesnt't mean they are the same. Where are they from? An aussie purple tip elegence might sell for $200 and whereas an indo purple tip elegence would sell for $80. Aussie corals will cost 2-3 times more then indo corals because of higher wages for collectors and higher shipping costs. Cultured Named corals with true lineage will cost more then a wild equivelent. The prices also vary a lot between different exporters.

Also if your looking for something talk to your LFS. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean they can't get it.

Myka 10-27-2012 02:28 PM

It's because it is livestock. There are lots of variables...some LFS order from transshippers, some direct from suppliers in other countries. Some LFS make bigger orders and get better deals, plus the bigger orders pay less per fish for the permits and fees (most permits and fees are per shipment, not per fish/box). Some suppliers will have sales so the LFS will have a lower price for awhile. Some LFS buy from suppliers with "named corals" which tend to be higher price even though the same thing can be found in wild shipments. Also fish and corals from certain areas like Indo or Philippines will be cheaper than Aussie stuff simply because of shipping and permits. Oh the list goes on...

EDIT: Haha, I guess I could have just said, "What chandigs said." :lol:

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