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zhasan 10-20-2012 09:07 AM

68 Gallon Rimless Reef Build
Hi everyone! My name is Zee and I'm a newbie in the SW hobby. I've kept many freshwater tanks over the past 4 years and now I've decided to move on to Saltwater.

I'm planning on setting up a reef tank. I've been reading a lot of articles over the past few weeks and learning about how to start things up the right way to ensure success in the long run! Biggest lesson learned so far: PATIENCE WILL GET YOU THERE ONE DAY!!

Enough talking... Now lets get to the point.

I picked up a used setup from Craigslist in the beginning of the year and was wanting to set it up at the time but things didn't work out and it just sat in my house. Now I've gained momentum again and hopefully will carry the torch through.

So, the equipment.

Custom ELOS Tank (36" W x 22" H x 20" D) - Rimless Starphire Glass

The stand this tank came with is not tall enough for my liking it does not have enough space inside for a decent sump. I’ve decided to build a custom stand out of ¾” plywood after being inspired by sphelps’s stand for his 100gal build. I’m building a 48” W x 24” D x 40” H stand. The reason why its that size is because I’ll have ample space for everthing down below and I want to upgrage to a 4’x2’x2’ (120gallon) tank in the future so I can use the same stand.

2 x LumenMax Elite Reflectors, 250W Metal Halide Ballasts, 250W 20K Radium Bulbs
2 x T5 Actinics
These are currently installed in the Vented Canopy. Yes, the guy was using a canopy over this tank :surprise:

Here is where I’m a little confused. I want to upgrade to LED lighting. However, I don’t want to dish out the cash as of rightnow… So I’m thinking of using 1 of the MH pendants for now coupled with the Actinics T5s. Would it be okay to use that light for softies? I want corals in the tank but don’t want to kill them with too much light.

This setup did not come with a sump so I have to build that from scratch. I have a 30gallon tank (36” W x 16” H x 12” D) that I’m thinking of making into a sump.

I’m planning a 3 chamber sump. First for skimmer also the filter sock will be here too. Second for refugium with DSB and Chateo followed by bubble breaker and return chamber.

Also, will be hooking up the TLF Phosphate Media Reactor 150

I also have a 9W Coralife UV Steralizer. Will I need this for this setup? Or will it help me at all to keep Algae away?

Warner Marine AS150 Skimmer

Return Pump:
Iwaki 30 RT Pump

This is an external pump so I still have to see if I can use this or maybe sell this and buy an Eheim return pump.

Water Movement:
Vortech MP20 unit & controller

I also have two Tunze Power Heads and a Koralia 4 to supplement the vortech.

Other equipment:

Spectra Pure 4-Stage RO/DI System

Vertex Calcium Reactor, complete with CO2 bottle, regulator/solenoid and pH probe - I might sell this and just keep the dosing unit. Haven't decided yet.

Profilux 3 Channel Doser and three containers for supplements

Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper2 with powerstrips, PH probe, temp Probe and other stuff.

Tunze ATO Osmolator

A series of test kits (Elos), salt, supplements


So this is all I have at the moment. I'll be building the stand this sunday hopefully and will start working on the sump sometime during next week. I'll post the dimensions for the stand to have them double checks by the pro DIYers!

I want to hear your ideas and suggestions. I'm in the learning phase of the hobby so any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks for looking!

kien 10-20-2012 02:01 PM

Nice start there. Welcome to the salty side!

zhasan 10-20-2012 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 756515)
Nice start there. Welcome to the salty side!

Thanks Kien! I was lookin at your room divider build. That is an amazing looking setup! Great inspiration for me! :)

ashr 10-20-2012 11:30 PM

Looks like a great start. Are you planning on SPS by any chance?

zhasan 10-21-2012 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by ashr (Post 756632)
Looks like a great start. Are you planning on SPS by any chance?

Thanks Ashr! In the future I'll be looking into SPS but for now just some beginner soft corals. I want to get my feet wet and have some experience under my belt before moving into SPS.

ashr 10-21-2012 04:17 AM

might be a good idea haha

where did you get all your goodies by the way

zhasan 10-21-2012 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by ashr (Post 756739)
might be a good idea haha

where did you get all your goodies by the way

Yeah forsure!

I bought it all as a package off of Craigslist. I think I have everything I need from beginning till I get into SPS... just need to learn to utilize it all properly. This is where all you experts come into play to help/advise me! :mrgreen:

zhasan 10-22-2012 08:27 AM

Alrighty so bit of an update..

Went to home depot today to buy the plywood for the stand and basically got total brainwashed into making a frame out of 2x4. So back I came and took out all the trusty 2x4s and started to build the stand.

Now I have a pretty strong frame made out of 2x4s.... Its 70% done. Gonna pick up the finishing materials tomorrow and continue working on it. Planning to have it all done and ready by wednesday!

Here are a few pics..

A family friend of mine helping me out throughout the day!

Basic frame is ready!!

Another View

The scene of the garage at the end of the day

Thanks for looking!! :)

Skimmerking 10-22-2012 04:59 PM

Someone doesnt look happy here, he's building stuff. look happy

kien 10-22-2012 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 757129)
Someone doesnt look happy here, he's building stuff. look happy

not everyone likes to eat wood. Just sayin'.

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