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albert_dao 10-19-2012 01:13 AM

Reading this just left me so mad

Seriously? What - The - F... Hell?


Poachers gun down iconic ibis

Set back for researchers as illegal hunters kill rare birds.

The northern bald ibis has been extinct in the wild in Europe for nearly 400 years and is critically endangered in North Africa and the Middle East. A team led by biologist Johannes Fritz from the University of Vienna has been hand-raising the birds and teaching them how to migrate from breeding areas north of the Alps in Germany and Austria to wintering grounds in Italy.

Goja initially learnt the migration route in autumn 2009 by following an ultralight aircraft. She made headlines in 2011 when she became the first of the team’s birds to fly back on her own to Germany for the summer.

Goja's fate is not unique, last autumn the project lost up to 15 of 37 migrating birds to hunters in Italy.

When Goja was shot on Saturday, she was leading two juveniles; one was shot dead along with her and the other is missing, presumed shot.

Myka 10-19-2012 01:31 AM

That's about as nice to hear about as the poaching of 4 Rhinos in the Lalibela Game Reserve...

Over 400 Rhinos poached in South Africa this year alone.

mrhasan 10-19-2012 01:36 AM

Scarcity of food?

albert_dao 10-19-2012 01:42 AM

Yah, totally. In Italy - I hear they're starving so bad that it's become a national crisis... -___-

mrhasan 10-19-2012 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 756120)
Yah, totally. In Italy - I hear they're starving so bad that it's become a national crisis... -___-

Jokes apart, poaching business is causing severe consequence to many wonderful animals.

Back home, poachers have literally cause extinction to royal bengal tiger (mostly to make carpets!!!!) and some other species of forest cats. Such a shame to humanity.

albert_dao 10-19-2012 02:29 AM

Pfft, at least they got a carpet out of it! Look at the poor rhinos from the link Myka posted... All to make magical voodoo powder that "increases virility/cures cancers/imbues you with the strength and essence of the Gods/whatever BS they can come up with".

What a joke.

mrhasan 10-19-2012 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 756132)
Pfft, at least they got a carpet out of it! Look at the poor rhinos from the link Myka posted... All to make magical voodoo powder that "increases virility/cures cancers/imbues you with the strength and essence of the Gods/whatever BS they can come up with".

What a joke.

I know. It sucks :( Specially when people bring in these sort of stuffs as excuses.

Enigma 10-19-2012 12:52 PM

Appalling. What do they think keeping the birds locked up until the end of hunting season is going to do? If poachers are shooting protected and endangered species, something like an official date that ends hunting season can hardly been seen as protection for the birds.

Proteus 10-19-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 756112)
That's about as nice to hear about as the poaching of 4 Rhinos in the Lalibela Game Reserve...

Over 400 Rhinos poached in South Africa this year alone.

And 25000 elephant a year in Africa. China is the largest importer of ivory in the black market. All for a feeling of personal wealth

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