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Beano1169 10-16-2012 11:54 PM

"Show me your Biocube mods"
I am looking for some ideas on how to sump out a 12gallon biocube, I will be doing a DIY stand at some point in time for the 10-20 gallon sump to fit underneath. I am looking for some Ideas on how to do this and make sure that I maximze flow, effecientcy, and environmental standards for the life inside the tank, as well as minizming any problems, such as flooding or leaks.
thanks for the input

dperrin 10-17-2012 03:07 AM

Drill the back glass on the center chamber. I've read the bottom is tempered, so you can't drill it. I've got a biocube 29 that I wish I'd drilled, but instead I went first with a custom 3/4 pvc siphon overflow and then a cpr cs-50 overflow. The pvc overflow wasn't reliable and while the cpr is more reliable, it required cutting the trim off the back of the tank, a big chunk out of the back of the hood and needs a very high water level in the tank. I suspect on a bc-12 there wouldn't be enough room for a cpr cs-50 anyhow.

Beano1169 10-17-2012 09:57 PM

Cool thanks that helps me out alot, all I see on DIY stuff is the Overflow boxes on the back and I doubt Ill have enough room! I hope I cn find someone to drilll it more me. and you think the middle chamber should be drilled? no the sides?

dperrin 10-18-2012 04:08 AM

Well on my 29 I would drill the back glass panel about 1/2 way down in the middle chamber. You'll have to decide if this would be appropriate in your tank.


Beano1169 10-18-2012 06:12 AM

my question to you is why the center? wouldnt I want a drain tube on one side while I have the over flow on the other to maximize my filteration?

Enigma 10-18-2012 02:10 PM

I'm not sure how the chambers are set up on the Biocubes, but if I were to drill a Nano Cube, it would definitely be the centre chamber that I drilled. I would still use a media basket in the first chamber for filter floss, Purigen, and charcoal. I would want all of the water to pass through that into the second chamber, where it would then flow into the sump. I would have the return from the sump entering the return chamber, though I know some people have that coming into the centre chamber, too.

10-20 gallons isn't a big sump, and there is only so much that you're going to be able to squeeze into it (especially if you're going to build a fuge in it). Continuing to utilize the first chamber for some filtration is going to help save space in the sump: for things that absolutely need to go into the sump.

Beano1169 10-18-2012 05:37 PM

Yha I have my plan all drawn out, I was just curious where and how to place my holes and what the best efficentcy will be for the system :P thanks for the idea though and I have also seen people use the middle chamber as their refugium as well so who knows! I do want to drill and sump out the tank though

adn does anyone know of any good threads for step by step to help with modding the biocube? I have tried finding some but havent had much success with step by step files

dperrin 10-18-2012 05:51 PM

yeah, for my biocube all the filtering is in the sump, so it's just most convenient to use the center camber because it is the biggest.

Beano1169 10-19-2012 07:16 AM

Know of any good threads out there for help on this build?

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