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Algaefix experiment
After battling hair algae this last yr to no avail of winning I decided to give algaefix a try. I ordered some from a supplier in the US because its not available in canada. I will try and post my progression during which time. I did order extra so if this goes well I will have some available for sale but not until I conclude whether its gonna work and if I use all the bottles. I'm battling what I'm thinking it both bryopsis and derbesia. I've taking most measures to battle it from GFO, 30gal weekly water changes, manual removal, daily uses of a baster for detritus removal, and raising of magnesium. My system is a 72 gal bowfront, 50 gal sump, 40 gal fuge. Bubble king mini 200 skimmer ( was a deltec AP703 up until last month) TLF 15's one with GFO ( changed bi monthly) and carbon in the other, and lighting is a vertex illumina 1200. Mg 1800, ca 430, alk 9DKH, phos. & nitrate undetectable. I started dosing today at a dose of 15ml. I took my fuge offline, and stopped running carbon and GFO during this time.
Here is a pic from today Attachment 10124 |
You should be very happy with the results.I found documented use with pics on an american forum.Found a US source and dosed as instructed on the thread.It absolutely nuked my algae problems in a few months.I swear by it,if you have exhausted all other means of fixing the problems.I never lost one fish or coral or invert.
What time period was it before you noticed a difference? You say a few months, how many?
Second dose today, no noticeable difference as of yet. Scrubbed some of the rocks in tank with a toothbrush but left one patch untouched to see if it receded and die off on its own. No inhabitants seem to be affected by the dosing. I've stopped running GFO and carbon but continue to run my skimmer. I'm taking pictures at each dose to show progress which ill try and upload tommorow.
One noticeable event I forgot to document is that on day two I did notice a substantial bacterial film on the surface Of the water. Much more than the usual. I didn't notice any coral stress so not sure if this was from the algae. I have read threads stating that some have noticed this event before and was from the algae beginning to deteriorate
Pictures, pic one is day one, pic two is day three
I can see by your pics that it's already working.I had been dosing for about a month before i could see progress.I should take a few months to rid your tank of all algae.
Dose #3 pic. no signs of stress in any inhabitants thats noticeable, added a cleaner wrasse and a checkerboard wrasse (just for the heck of it) and they seem ok and eating already. it looks like theres some receeding but its hard to tell.
That is true, but I tore apart my tank once already to individually scrub the rocks and caused way more grief than I cared for between accidentally killing off coral, fish and now not having my preferred rock structure anymore. Due to not wanting to keep rearranging as it just causes more stressing the inhabitants
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