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Bartman 04-15-2004 09:20 AM

Sump pump question
Is there any reason why I couldn't use one of the plastic and stainless sump pumps from Home Depot as a return in my sump?

StirCrazy 04-15-2004 01:06 PM

ya stainless is hit and miss with salt water, only 2 of the several types are good, others will rust fairly quickly. I highly doubt that the stainless used in the sumps is the right type as they are made for moving fresh ground/rain water from sumps.


Bartman 04-16-2004 01:09 AM

If I was looking outside of an LFS (ie. home depot) what should they be made of to work in salt water?

JimE 04-16-2004 02:18 AM


If I was looking outside of an LFS

residential wastewater

Good flow, low power, transfers heat like any sub....


StirCrazy 04-16-2004 02:52 AM

interesting Jim, is there a store that you know of where you can buy them?

I like the fact that they will turn off with no water present with out using a float screen. the only thing that could be a problem is the fact that its oil filed and the stainless screen on the inlet if it is not easaly cleaned. is there any info on the track record of these pumps and the price?


JimE 04-16-2004 07:00 PM

The Goulds model lists for around $280 I think, check local yellow pages for goulds dealers ( pumps). The Rule is available from marine/boating supply houses - price should be pretty similar but Rule has the cheaper model without the "switch". Rule also has a 3yr warranty where I think Goulds only does 1yr. Good pumps IME but as always, get your application "preapproved" for warranty purposes..... Screens just snap on and off for cleaning. Re: being oil filled, I don't believe they have any oil in them anymore - other than the grease in the bearings. Check with the dealer.


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