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dc4 09-16-2012 03:40 AM

FS: Everything =(
So, as the saying goes, when it rains, it pours...

Adding to my most wonderful year so far, my wife and I separated last week and I have moved out of the house. As I now have to go home after work everyday just to take care of the tank, its no longer feasable to continue with it. I know its going to be hard to sell as a whole but that would be the ideal way as I dont have the time or will to meet up with ppl separately for a few pieces. You can buy it as a whole and piece it out if you wish. So, as I am not home while I am typing this, there will surely be a few pieces that I am going to miss so think of this as a lowend stocklist with a few surprises.

Zoas and Palys (over 100 different varieties costing me thousands by themselves)
30+ Space Monsters (worth $30-$60 per head)
10+ Sunny D
10+ Pastel Sunny D
5+ Soul Reavers
5+ Desert Storm
2+ WOW
10+ Wolverines
5+ My Clementines
2+ Yodas
8+ Jokers
1+babies God of War
10+ Purple Hearts
10+ Miami Vice
5+ Captain America
3+ Blue Agave
2+ Blue Hornet
4+ Yellow Jackets
10+ Blondies
5+ Purple Deaths
5+ Nuke Greens
5+ Creamsicles
20+ Gobstoppers
10+ Pink Elephants
40+ Neon Mean Greens
10+ Candy Apple Reds
10+ Chong Bongs
10+ Fruit Loops
10+ Emeralds on Fire
20+ Lakers
Those are just off the top of my head, there are tons more.

There are over 20 pieces, large and frags, but the names escape me at the moment, the only ones I can think of are Red Planet, Green Slimer, Setosa, and meteor shower.

Sexy Corals Signature BTA (cost me over $500!)
25+ head dendro colony
40+ head duncan colony
Orange donut with green rim
Purple scoly with green stripes
Neon pink tipped ultra elegance
Bubble Coral
4 nice types of chalices about 3-4"
2x crocea clams

2x Black Ice Snowflake clownfish
2x Tonga flame wrasse (1 super male, 1 female)
2x Leopard Wrasse (larger female in midst of turning male)
1x Carpenters wrasse
1x Exquisite wrasse
1x Melanurus wrasse
2x Mandarin dragonets (my faves)
2x Firefish
1x Purple firefish
1x Flame angel (reef safe)
1x Hawkfish
1x Benggai cardinal
2x Blue eye glass cardinal
1x Ember blenny
1x Yellow tang
1x Tomini tang
There may be a few others but thats all I can recall at this moment. There is also a good sized cleanup crew of various types of snails.

Should be over 100+ pounds of live rock in the tank.

72g Oceanic Bowfront with stand, canopy, and sump
2x AI sols blue
1x AI controller
1x Ecotech MP40w
I-tech 100 skimmer
TLF 150 reactor w/ mj1200 modified for biopellets
Magdrive return pump
PCI 1/4hp Chiller
Magic doser 3 channel

Bunch of other little things like scrapers, magfloats, buckets, filter socks, vitamins and additives will all be included.

Asking $4000 obo.
Offers will be entertained but keep in mind that my znp alone are worth my asking price, add up everything and you will see that this is already a crazy low price. Please keep any negative comments to yourself or through pm, Im already going through enough as it is. Obviously, no trades will be considered. As I stated earlier, you can buy the whole setup and piece out the znp and the rest would be free as $40 for each frag/colony would be way below usual prices. Thanks for looking and I want to thank everyone that I have dealt with in this great hobby. Maybe once the dust settles and I find a new place of my own, I will get to start another tank but for now, this is the way it has to be. :cry: Pics to follow...

dc4 09-16-2012 03:49 AM

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acepumping 09-16-2012 04:36 AM

hey dc4 i pm'd you about maybe seperating the zoas please?????

Milad 09-16-2012 04:52 AM

Nice stuff. Ill buy a bunch of it if its parted out.

Northernseacorals 09-16-2012 04:59 AM

If/when parting out pm me about the Sol's please :-)

JTang 09-16-2012 05:04 AM

What an amazing collection u have here! Very sorry to hear about the bad news! Wish u all the best...

dc4 09-16-2012 05:05 AM

Kinda getting bombarded with pm's so I thought I would respond accordingly. I am not looking at splitting it up at the moment as you have to understand, I don't live there anymore and it causes issues with me just being there, let alone a bunch of ppl she doesn't know. If it turns out no one wants everything, I will start to piece things out in sections but I will not sell small pieces, it's would be an all or nothing type deal. Like all the zoas, all the sps, all the fish, or all the lps/nps. Also if it gets to that stage, the prices will reflect the added stress and time it would take, lol.

This would be an excellent time for someone to setup a groupbuy for everything. ;)

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NightShadeFairy 09-16-2012 11:48 AM

What would you ask for the whole setup with stock?

JCharles 09-16-2012 02:52 PM

I would be in for a decent amount of coral, if a group buy does get going.

dc4 09-16-2012 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by NightShadeFairy (Post 746678)
What would you ask for the whole setup with stock?

$4k obo

Thanks door all the support guys, means a lot.

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