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Acipenser 09-13-2012 01:07 AM

Acipenser 2012 nano contest entry.
I don't want to be late in case some crazy work **** comes up so I am going to start my thread now !

I have a few ideas for my display tank nothing crazy - I am thinking along the lines of a 15g tank drilled with a wall to wall over flow along the back. I plan on building a stand and incorporating a sump. I am thinking about building the sump from scratch (never worked with glass before !) . I am debating on scratch building an led light with a custom timer/controller, if not Ill steal the 4x24w t5HO set off my gold fish .

As for stock I have yet to decide but I really like blennie's and gobie's and am thinking about maybe a pistol shrimp as well.

Hopefully Ill be able to add some nice easy corals, I hope to gain some experience working with sumps and drilling glass , my main goal is a nice display tank with an low maintenance system as work gets crazy some times with little time left over for family let alone fish . i almost gave up on salt water all together but am now re inspired !

reefwars 09-14-2012 04:23 PM

looks like you got a killer idea in mind ill be following along for sure to see how this goes for you:)


Acipenser 09-15-2012 10:28 PM

Bought the 1st display tank
Here is a crappy iPhone pic of my new 15g all glass tank, the plan is to drill over flow and return lines at the back and build a wall to wall internal over flow, along the entire length of back of the tank.

Enigma 09-15-2012 10:43 PM

Ambitious. :) What are the dimensions of the tank? I quite like the way it looks: long and not too tall.

Acipenser 09-15-2012 11:24 PM

It's a 15g tank . I like it because it's 24lx12wx12h. Lot's of stands and fixtures available for this footprint :D .

Enigma 09-15-2012 11:51 PM

Very nice dimensions, indeed. Not only do you have lots of stand choices, you'll also have a lot of really nice lighting choices: that won't overhang the tank. Depending on how you do this, it might not even look like a nano.

nanoreefnewbie 09-16-2012 12:03 AM

Nice tank choice...tons of options

Acipenser 09-17-2012 08:37 PM

So I got some time to myself and went to J&L, I picked up my bulk head fittings. 2 - 1/2 bulkheads for the drain and 1 - 1/2 threaded fitting with nozzle for the return line, The 2 drain fittings have barbed ends and ill be going with clear vynl tubing. I also picked up a Eheim Compact Pump 1000. I am hoping to get about 10 x tank turn over in my sump.

I took some measurements and am planning to get some baffles cut for the sump I also need to go back to Rona and get the 1 1/8 diamond coated hole saw bit. plus some pvc primer and glue so far I am at just under $100.

Acipenser 09-18-2012 12:21 AM

Pics of my equipment so far .
used slim skim nano

Bulkhead fittings

Eheim pump

Acipenser 09-18-2012 12:32 AM

Drill bit's
I am having problems finding the proper sized (1 1/8") Diamond coated hole saw, other wise I would have the holes in and testing for leaks !

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