Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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c me fish 09-03-2012 12:18 AM

160g for sale - Vancouver
I'm in the process of upgrading tanks so will have this for sale in a couple of weeks. I only plan to leave it running long enough to make the livestock transfer so that's why I'm posting it now. Please send me a PM if you wish to see it running.

Dimensions are 72x18x31" tall. Black trim. Clear silicone. It is not drilled but have it set up with a HOB external overflow. The sides can be drilled as only the bottom is tempered.

It has a metal stand (1.5 inch square tubing) that is 28" tall. It will also include a 4' sump tank, return pump, and UV sterilizer.

$450 obo. I live by the PNE.

Here's a picture for reference (from when it was first set up).

c me fish 01-27-2013 01:47 PM


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