Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Diana 08-31-2012 08:17 PM

Fully Stocked 90 Gallon Mixed Reef - Complete System - For Sale
It is with great sadness that we must sell our 90 gallon mixed reef system as we will be moving soon and will not have the space for this beauty. This is a perfect system for anyone at any stage in the hobby, but ideal for beginners because it is extremely mature and very low maintenance. I've been completeing regular (monthly) water changes on it for years with a high quality salt and no additional supplements needed. Aside from an occational glass clean and coral fragging there is very little to do to it, just sit back and enjoy.

Here is a photo (sorry it is due for a cleaning... but I wanted to show how "dirty" it gets. This is after about a month. :wink: ):

-90 gallon glass aquarium purchased 2005
-90 gallon pine stand
-4 foot 8 bulb Tek light (bulbs approx. 8 months old)
-Deltec MCE 600 skimmer
-Aquaclear 70 HOB filter
-Tunze Nano Wavebox
-2 x Tunze 2065 Powerheads

-Approx. 90 lbs healthy live rock
-Softies, LPS, SPS, Gorgs
-Derasa & Turqoise Crocea Clam
-2 cleaner shrimp, urchin, snails, hermits, sea cucumber, sand star, conch
-Yellow tang, Regal tang, 5 chromis, gobies

Please Note: There are 6 fish we would wish to keep will be transferred to a nano aquarium (clowns, clown gobies, gramma). If possible we'd keep the anenome for the clowns.

Price: $2500 OBO

Please feel free to stop by to see the aquarium in action, the corals look great with the wave box, we are in North Vancouver. I can best be reached via email or phone 604-837-0587. As a backup Raf's cell is 604-999-9949. Thx

reefwars 08-31-2012 11:57 PM

wow what an incredible deal , so sad to see such a beautiful tank go , i bet it was a hard decision to make. good luck with you sale i dont imagine it will be for sale for long:) cheers

Diana 09-13-2012 04:20 PM

Offering to professionally move this aquarium anywhere in the Lower Mainland... a $600 value, included!

Some more images:


Diana 09-20-2012 02:46 AM


ALang 09-20-2012 04:28 PM

Bump for a beautiful tank, and a great price.
Best wishes for your move, Diana.

Diana 09-26-2012 03:09 AM


PS Thx :)

nanoreefnewbie 09-26-2012 04:30 AM

WOW b e a utiful tank...wish I had 2500 lol atleast it sold now sounds like:biggrin:

Diana 10-07-2012 08:35 PM


Thank you :)

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