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Adread 08-02-2012 09:58 PM

Yellow tang a good choice?
Hello Canreef! We've been slowly adding some live stock to our 75g reef tank and at the lfs the other day my wife spotted a small yellow tang that she really wants to get. Just wondering if it would be a good fish to add to the tank. We have two ossy clowns, a flame angel, a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp for livestock aside from corals. Will the tang be aggressive towards these fish?


Flash 08-02-2012 10:00 PM

sometimes you never know... but you should be okay if it's the last fish being added to your tank!

Adread 08-02-2012 10:03 PM

We were planning on adding a mandarin in the future. Would there be issues with those two? Other than that I believe we're done with fish. Lol.

gobytron 08-02-2012 10:58 PM

those two fish wont bother each other.
Mandarins are well worth doing a little research on their feeding requirements before buying though.

Adread 08-02-2012 11:37 PM

I will definitely read up on them more. We have lots of pods in the tank already. Can watch them scurrying around in the morning.

daniella3d 08-03-2012 01:39 AM

My yellow tang killed my mandarin just because it went inside 'his' cave. He slided him on one side and surely enough it died later. And mandarins are too innocent and peacefull to react or defend themselves...

Never again will I have a yellow tang unless I have aggressive fish only tank. that's it.

HaZRaTTy 08-03-2012 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Adread (Post 734979)
We were planning on adding a mandarin in the future. Would there be issues with those two? Other than that I believe we're done with fish. Lol.

There might be some aggression as the Tang gets bigger in size, I think the juv yellow tang would be okay in your system.

That being said when it out grows your 75g (which it will) hopefully you will donate him to a bigger tank.

naesco 08-03-2012 09:57 PM

[quote=HaZRaTTy;735015]There might be some aggression as the Tang gets bigger in size, I think the juv yellow tang would be okay in your system.

That being said when it out grows your 75g (which it will) hopefully you will donate him to a bigger tank.[/QUOTE

Your tank is too small for a tang. They require longer tanks (6 ft) to do what they do best which is to swim to and fro .It is never a good idea to buy a fish with the idea that you will buy a larger tank to accommodate its needs in the future. Stuff like un/under employment
divorce, kids, downsizing happen despite a reefers best intentions.

Myka 08-04-2012 12:55 AM

Imo, a 75-gallon tank is too small for any Tang. As Naesco suggests, a 6' tank is much better suited to Tangs, although I think some of the smaller Tangs do pretty good in 4' 120-gallon tanks simply because there is a larger footprint. Tangs like horizontal space, depth isn't so important to them. If you ever have the pleasure of seeing Tangs in the wild you would have a hard time putting them into any typically-sized home aquarium - they sure love to zip around!

Otardifus 08-04-2012 02:34 PM

Tang love
I love my Yellow tang, I got it when I only had a 55 gallon. It out grew the tank in 6 months and then I transfered all my salt to a 125 gal and Tang is WAY more happy !
My yellow tang is not agressive towards other fish I introduce.
Tangs in general are a great cleaning crew for algae and they are verry nice to look at, a must have for all large tanks.

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