asylumdown |
07-17-2012 12:27 AM |
Originally Posted by fishytime
(Post 731522)
What's his issue Adam?
Since i never learn, he was the first fish that went in the tank. When I got him, he was all sickly and skinny and timid and I didn't think he was going to make it, but I had an algae explosion I wasn't patient enough to let die down on it's own and I figured if he died of some disease I could just let the tank be fallow before adding more fish...
Needless to say he recovered completely, bordering on overweight now. Problem is, he's not the prettiest specimen of his species, he only looks good when he's being a dick and puts on his "i'm gonna shank you" colours. The rest of the time he's a rather drab browny/purple.
I recently got my hands on a much, MUCH nicer tang (an achilles to be exact) and while the aggression directed towards the achilles went from 'moderate' to 'barely' after about 5 hours, it's still low grade enough that I think the achilles is having a harder time acclimating. The achilles is showing a few spots of ich and if the bristle tooth catches him grazing on the rocks he'll take a run at him.
So, $40 fish vs. $350 fish. Guess who goes... To the sump anyway, I'll decide if I'm going to try re-introducing them after the achilles is as fat as he is.