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dsaundry 07-14-2012 05:23 PM

so long//zài jiàn// salut // to Canreef :(
Well I am afraid I will be bidding "so long" to all my friends at Canreef as I have now officially gotten out of the s/w fish trade and am planning on taking some time to travel with my wife. After 25 yrs of fish keeping both fw+sw it is time to move on. After a major power failure in our area it was driven home that if I am away there was nobody local that would be able to take care of the tank if I was away. I was thankful that the power failure was only about 9 hrs. So after a long conversation with my wife I decided to shut tank down. She actually said to keep it but she has put up with 2+3 day vacations for too long now and she deserves more. I have met a lot of you over my time at Canreef and it has been great talking to you all and sharing information over the last 5yrs. So I will check the site periodically but I won't be checking it near as much as I used to. I still have my "dart frogs" as a hobby but they are way less maintenance than a reef tank and my son knows what to do with them as he raises them too. So again, thanks and adieu it has been a real pleasure.

Aquattro 07-14-2012 05:27 PM

Happy travels!! When you drop in, post pics of cool places!

Bblinks 07-14-2012 05:32 PM

You will be back....

reefwars 07-14-2012 05:34 PM

Happy travels buddy def drop and say hi here and there:)

paddyob 07-14-2012 05:36 PM

The world is your fish tank now!

Reefs are waiting for you!

Take care.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-14-2012 06:26 PM

Have fun seeing the world my friend. I know what you mean. The longest I've been away for the last 10 years is a week for our 5th anniversary. Other than that, 4 days is max.

christyf5 07-14-2012 06:52 PM

Enjoy your vacation time! Hope to see you back here one day :biggrin:

Lance 07-14-2012 10:13 PM

I totally understand what you're saying. Fortunately, I've always been lucky enough to have friends and family watch my tanks for me when away. Without them to fall back on we wouldn't travel as much as we do.

Happy trails! "The World is Your Oyster!

STANKYfish 07-16-2012 05:15 PM

Enjoy your freedom! There is life after tanks. Actually we have been thinking of shutting them all down too and get out in the world.
Have fun :smile:

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