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arash53 07-07-2012 03:53 AM

Mini carpet nem keep releasing white stuff !
One of my mini carpet nem keep releasing white stuff in my tank, water is kinda cloudy! is it harmful to my other coral and fish ?

Borderjumper 07-07-2012 04:16 AM

ummm birds and the bees talk needed.. :mrgreen:

reeferious 07-07-2012 04:21 AM

spawning nem
congrats soon you might be god father to thousands of baby nem. jokes aside might be worthwhile to do massive water change very soon.

arash53 07-07-2012 05:02 AM

tomorrow if the water still was cloudy , ill change the water

hexbasher 07-07-2012 02:32 PM

you see, when an anemone is in love, {as much as an eyeless, brainless, asexual (who's on-again-off-again sexual) being can be} who's thinks it's true love is somewhere in the same glass box.................blah blah blah, Berry White record........ + ??????..... = thats where baby nems come from!

if it did spawn, nothing to be worried about...its a good sign you have a good system running...depending on how big your system is, i may be on the look out for an nh3 spike...but from what ive heard. spawnings are typically consumed by whatever filter feeders you have

Water changes never hurt...cept for the millions of baby nems your killing you monster, im pro-life...and i like mini i'll always take some

Proteus 07-07-2012 04:02 PM

Haha. Your watching nem porn

Claudia 07-07-2012 04:15 PM

Congratz Arash, i want at least one of those babies lol

arash53 07-07-2012 04:19 PM

Sure, if they made it, i have to catch them before they destroy my tank

Borderjumper 07-07-2012 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by reeferious (Post 729138)
congrats soon you might be god father to thousands of baby nem. jokes aside might be worthwhile to do massive water change very soon.

Ummm no.. I'm guessing his is a male, and unless he also has a female, Mr. Anemone was just doing little practicing.

fishytime 07-07-2012 07:39 PM

I would do a w/c..... Nem spawns can and have crashed tanks.... I think it happened to Tony(Delphinus) a couple times

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