hexbasher |
07-07-2012 02:50 PM |
Originally Posted by Leah
(Post 729191)
Do you have any other corals? I have it and it is a pain in the butt, it grows on everything...under everything...oh and around everything.
Wish I had never introduced it into my tank.
i got some from my foreman, not willingly
he bought a new tank of CL, had LR out of water in bins in the back of his truck for 6 hours at 10C at night...i picked it up, continued my night shift for another 3 hours....got home and threw it in my then empty 90g (to keep the LR alive while he got the tank setup)..next morning zero damage was done...now polyps are popping up here and there......its probably a lagoon coral....out of water for hours doesnt harm it....fire does though...my foreman was able to rid of it very effectively...he was about to take a wire brush to it when he noticed it has a translucent encrusting flesh which can be peeled off