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gregzz4 06-05-2012 07:54 AM

Tentative fish stocking list
I consulted 'The Boss' and, after perusing the web some more, me thinks we may have come up with a list of fish we'd like to have

Of course, we plan on eventually having Softies/LPS/SPS
Tank is a 75g with a total of 110g and looks like there will be about 70# of LR.

First on Donna's list was a Flame Angel, but I took that off the table fairly quickly :wink:

I don't know that I want all these fish as I feel it would be too many for the tank, but most only grow to 3", so maybe ...

Keep in mind ...
This is a total, not NOW, stock list. We do plan on taking our time :wink:
And ... this is a tentative list - we would love your input concerning your experiences with these guys

Please give us your thoughts concerning both the individual fishes and the mix we'd like to have :mrgreen:

With only an alphabetical and not introduction sequence ...

1 - Bangaii
2 - Spotted Cardinals I wonder if 2 is enough ?
1 - Chalk Bass Don't know enough about these dudes
1 - Clown TBA Probably a black misbar of some kind
1 - Purple Firefish I've read that they like to be in pairs, but that they fight - thoughts ?
1 - Green Clown Goby Would be added later when we have some corals for it to hang out in - I realize it may upset some corals
1 - Orange/Diamond spotted Goby
1 - Highfin Perchlet No idea, the wife likes it. Looks like a Hawkfish to me. Don't want any Hawks - thoughts ?
1 - Royal Gramma
1 - Whitetail Bristletooth Tang
1 - Sixline Wrasse

And, of course, Donna eventually wants either a Green or Red Mandarin, so we need to ensure it will fit in with the rest of the tankmates :smile:

Thanks for your thoughts, experiences and whatnot :biggrin:

gregzz4 06-05-2012 08:32 AM

I forgot about the cleaner shrimp I want :mrgreen:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-05-2012 09:02 AM

Usually Mandarins don't do well in tanks with a 6 line which is faster and may eat all the food up too quickly (can dart in and grab up the live pods & mysid shrimp). Preferably only buy a Mandarin from someone's tank or one at the LFS that is already eating frozen foods or even pellets. Mine are doing so but most Mandarins have a hard time adapting to captivity & feeding on frzn or pellet foods.

gregzz4 06-05-2012 09:06 AM

Thanks Anthony

Someone else has suggested I stay away from a 6 line ...
Any reasons why ?

Sorry, should have been clearer ...

Besides the Mandarin issue ?

tang daddy 06-05-2012 09:13 AM

Accessors are damn aggressive and killed my bangai, wrasse and a few others. I would go for chalk bass, royal gamma, just to mention a few....

The 4 fish I will never get is a damsel (clowns are the exception),pseudochromis Aka strawberry dottyback, accessors, and six line wrasse.

Go for friendlier fish and a peacefull tank. I even found Midas blennies to be a pain and abit territorial nipping at your arm when you enter the tank.

Bangaii - a pair is always nice, I recently learned that bangaiis can change sex like clown fish. Don't know how much is true and haven't bothered to look it up but a pair is definitely swayt!

Spotted cardinal - if by spotted you mean pajama then 1

Chalk bass - one of my favorite fish, you should only keep one, picked one up from Jl awhile back but my tank is abit aggressive he wasn't a strong eater and perished. I will get another one, the ones at Jl are phat!

Clowns - a black misbar is cool and I love blackys howeva my current favorite is black ice ice baby ;)

Purple firefish - if you buy either get 1 or 3 another favorite, you may want to get a top as these sometimes go nuclear missile out of water.

Green clown goby - cool fish but I like the red wheeler goby betta!

Hi fin perchlet - are cool fish and tend to come out when they're familiar, just to correct you the hi fin is actually in the anthias family.... Just sayin;)

Royal gamma - every reef gotta have wun.

The last 2 hmmm.... no thank to six line not a fan of mean fish, your smaller fish might go ping pong and a tang may out grow your 75 quick, I had a few tangs in the 75g and would never put one in again. If you have to have one a small scopas or purple would be my choice.

Other cool fish to google and ponder: fairy wrasse, flashed wrasse, barnacle blenny, mandarin goby, flame cardinal, tail spot blenny, jawfish.

gregzz4 06-05-2012 09:33 AM

Thanks Chris
I don't want to overstock the tank, so it's hard to pick

Bangaiis - i'd like a pair, but there's the total stocking issue, and the fighting issue
Spotted, ya, Pajama, same thing I think, but heard they like to school
Firefish I was concerned about that, I heard the same - either 1 or 3 +
I'll check out the Red Wheeler goby, thanks
I know the Hifin is an Anthia, but I've read they can act like Hawks ...

We need some kind of Wrasse ...

We want a tang that will be happy in our glass box !!!
If we can't have a tang, what other grazer could we have that will keep algae cropped ? Or at least roam around for us to look at ?

Fairy wrasse is too big
Flasher wrasse is an option

Our tank is and always will be covered, so bring on the suggestions :mrgreen:

gregzz4 06-05-2012 09:40 AM

Chris and Anthony have made suggestions to stay away from a six line wrasse, but without real reasons why, besides the mandarin issue ...

So, why ?

jorjef 06-05-2012 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 721982)
Chris and Anthony have made suggestions to stay away from a six line wrasse, but without real reasons why, besides the mandarin issue ...

So, why ?

Why not? buy the damn fish if you want it. I have one and he's a great fish. You realize this thread will only come to the conclusion that there is no 100% consensus on any one fish or the stocking of various fish together. Any advise you get will most likely be "that persons" own personal experience, which could be the exact opposite for the next. You obviously have read to the end of the internet regarding fish, come to the conclusion there is no guarantee of success and now think the magic combination will appear here.....WELL IT WON'T Buy fish you like, put them in the tank, if you find they are a problem get rid of it. Here are some examples of the fish in my tank that may or may not against the norm, depends where you read and that some people might advise against

I have two Fire fish... they are just fine, there is a dominant so what.

I have 5 Chromis and have had for a long time there have been no fights till the death with one survivior

I have a six line and a Melanurus, the Six line stays "in line"

Bottom line, buy what you want, it doesn't sound like you are going blindly into this..... Did I mention you drive me nuts and I see a great future for you as a talk show host!!

Matthew N 06-05-2012 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 721982)
Chris and Anthony have made suggestions to stay away from a six line wrasse, but without real reasons why, besides the mandarin issue ...

So, why ?

The mandarin is a very real issue, please don't buy one in less you can feed it properly. I worked at a lfs years ago and so many of those fish died and are on my conscience...

Also the six-line can be a gamble they can be a model citizen or end up being an absolute terror. If you have a sump or another tank such as a quarantine tank I say go for it and remove him if he starts to misbehave.

FishyFishy! 06-05-2012 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Matthew N (Post 721991)
The mandarin is a very real issue, please don't buy one in less you can feed it properly. I worked at a lfs years ago and so many of those fish died and are on my conscience...

Also the six-line can be a gamble they can be a model citizen or end up being an absolute terror. If you have a sump or another tank such as a quarantine tank I say go for it and remove him if he starts to misbehave.

Agreed with the Mandarin Issue, but honestly I love the six line wrasse. It's always active, and it always picking at the rocks. I have never had a bad one. But every experience will be different. I would personally rather have a six line than a manderin anyways. The manderins are hard to keep in newer tanks, as the food supply is just not there.

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