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LeanneP 05-27-2012 07:40 PM

Instant Ocean salt check alk
I posted awhile ago about having trouble with Instant Ocean having high alkalinity and there were several people who responded saying they had similar readings of 16-19. I sent a sample to the head office so they could test it and they just sent me a new pail so I guess I was right. I would suggest checking alk. when starting a new pail just to be safe. It wouldn't change your alk over night but I continued using it and alk was continuing to get higher. Hope it helps someone. Leanne

Skimmerking 05-28-2012 02:29 AM

Leanne so sorry to here about uour salt. I have never had any problems what so ever in the time from 2002-2012 but i have changed to instant ocean reef cystals so weird. I have heard that many people roll there salt arou d before usig it. Myself i have never done this.

Megalodon 05-28-2012 11:23 AM

I had IO several years ago that had alk well past 30! I send a sample to Randy and he confirmed. It killed my tank so IO sent me a check. It's sad to see they're still having problems. I've been hearing of many.

KevinK 05-28-2012 01:58 PM

so if I read this right, than one thing is good

service !

at least thy are there for you when something is happening, and dont start draging it on, like did you mix the bucket and so.

you dont se it that often that a company steps up right away.

I always say, it is alsways important to check a company out, and try to find out how thy deal with proublems.

the cog a + there, now only working on a + on keeping the salt more stabile, as in deed, you read it once in a while that there par. are off

mike31154 05-28-2012 03:20 PM

That's strange. I've been using IO exclusively for years & my alk is always low. I find myself supplementing from time to time. Could be my test kit, but I've tried a few different brands of those & the results invariably come out low.

EDIT: I just remembered that a few years ago when starting my system (pre owned) the alk was quite high. I attribute this to the fact that I used treated tap water for the first year or so. Water source (Kalamalka Lake) is quite hard & once I switched to RODI, alk gradually dropped to the low side & has been that way ever since. If you're not using RODI, get some numbers/water report from your water supplier. City/municipal water reports will provide information on TDS levels and most organic & inorganic compounds that make their way to your tap. Alkalinity is usually in there somewhere.

mike31154 05-28-2012 03:37 PM

Edit for last post timed out. I wanted to add the water report from Kalamalka Lake to show the numbers. Note the high alkalinity.

North Kalamalka Lake Intake Water Quality 2008
Water System: Greater Vernon Water
Source: Kalamalka Lake
Facility: Kal Lake Pumpstation
Sampling Point: Kal Lake Intake
Date: 7/14/2008
INORGANIC Results (mg/L unless noted)
Aluminum <0.050
Antimony <0.0030
Arsenic <0.0050
Barium 0.027
Boron 0.021
Cadmium <0.00010
Calcium 40.6
Chloride 5.38
Chromium <0.015
Copper <0.0030
Cyanide < 0.01
Fluoride 0.24
Iron <0.20
Lead <0.001
Magnesium 19.8
Manganese <0.0050
Mercury <0.00030
Molybdenum 0.005
Nitrate (as N) 0.069
Nitrite (as N) <0.010
Potassium 5.07
Selenium <0.0050
Sodium 18.4
Sulphate 51
Uranium 0.003
Zinc 0.011
PHYSICAL Results (mg/L unless noted)
Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 152
Colour <5 TCU
Conductivity 409 microS/cm
Hardness (as CaCO3) 183
pH 7.8
Total dissolved solids 238
Turbidity 1.0 NTU
UV Transmittance @254(%) 91%

Not suggesting that there couldn't also be a problem with the odd batch of salt, just trying to show that there could be other factors at play & that RODI water is always your best bet to ensure long term reef health.

LeanneP 05-28-2012 11:50 PM

Hi Mike,
Yes, I was wondering about the water I use as well, but I had replies originally from people in Alberta as well who were getting high readings with the IO salt. The fact that they sent me a new pail would make me think that they must have got a high reading as well when they tested it. I also roll my pail of salt but IO claims that there is no settling during shipping right on the pail. Anyways, I am happy enough with the service. I will always check alk when starting a new pail from now on.

gregzz4 05-29-2012 12:04 AM

Leanne, I heard about this too around x-mas 2011 and then experienced it myself
When I used my first bag bought boxing week, my alk was near 16
I mixed the second bag really well before using and it was still hi
I went through a bunch of bags curing rock and the alk dropped between bags 2 and 3, or so
Since then it's been closer to 9
The 6 bags I bought came in 2 boxes, so not much to explain the batches

I'll soon be opening my first bucket bought the same boxing week, so we'll see what happens

Megalodon 05-29-2012 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by KevinK (Post 720067)
so if I read this right, than one thing is good

service !

at least thy are there for you when something is happening, and dont start draging it on, like did you mix the bucket and so.

you dont se it that often that a company steps up right away.

I always say, it is alsways important to check a company out, and try to find out how thy deal with proublems.

the cog a + there, now only working on a + on keeping the salt more stabile, as in deed, you read it once in a while that there par. are off

Very true! In fact, they were the ones that contacted me, not the other way around. I was still trying to figure out what I was going to do when I got a PM from them, and then a phone call when I gave them my number. They paid what I asked for immediately, no questions asked. They probably read the thread, and had other complaints, so they knew what was up. According to a guy at J&L's one guy got a check for over five grand. Fortunately my tank was less established and I didn't have anywhere near that much livestock to loose. I think my loss was around $700.

LeanneP 05-29-2012 05:30 AM

Wow, that is crazy. I guess there were more than just a few affected. I was just really glad I checked my alk, not even sure why I did. I am fairly new at this so I thought it was something that I did.

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