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lastlight 05-16-2012 05:47 PM

Weigh in on your harlequin tusks please
I'm considering one for my mixed reef. I'm aware that these guys will most likely decimate a CUC. Apart from a really large cleaner shrimp I don't have a CUC however. I'm not counting the 4 peppermints I recently added because they're never out with the lights on (and I'm having a hard time convincing myself they're even alive anymore!).

I'm more concerned about smaller fish. I have a tailspot in there which I really love.

Might be useful to know I have 3 wrasses (melanarus, leopard and red coris) which all get along perfectly.

Cugio 05-16-2012 06:11 PM

I just saw this video the other day. You might be interested in it Brett. I think even a large cleaner shrimp would be decimated (that and your pretty little fingers).

lastlight 05-16-2012 06:21 PM

Thanks I had actually seen that one... beauty of a fish.

My cleaner is very large which in my experience means lazy as well. He refuses to clean any of my fish anymore and hides all day mostly out of sight. For those reasons I'd be ok with taking the risk.

The Codfather 05-16-2012 06:33 PM

When I first got mine, he was very hard and any invert. But now that hes fat, sassy and fed well, he doesnt touch any of the snails. He does have some aggresion towards some fish, but not the ones you'd expect(same color or shape). I think it would be hit or miss. I got lucky, mine eats everything from pellets to nori and everything inbetween. I like mine and would never get rid of him. I had to rehome for almost a year, but I think they are a great addition. HTH,

fishoholic 05-16-2012 06:37 PM

I have heard they are prone to marine velvet. A friend had a store hold one for her for 3 months and it seemed healthy and was eating but a week after she added it she got an outbreak of velvet in her tank, it was the only new addition in months so she figured it had to be from him. I also think the one Lance has had velvet when he got it but I could be wrong.

I tried a very small 2" one once he did great for 3 months then I added a mystery wrasse and the mystery picked on the tusk and stressed him out and he died a couple weeks later :sad:

lastlight 05-16-2012 06:45 PM

Thanks guys that's helpful.

I have read that the smaller ones do considerably worse. Also seems like a no-brainer to buy an aussie one for both looks and success rates.

The velvet thing doesn't sound good. I'm still not setup to qt and somehow I am still waffling back-and-forth about whether I want to do it at all.

reefermadness 05-16-2012 07:06 PM

Im pretty sure my tusk went unphased when marine velvet took out my clowns.

My tusk eats everything......I've seen him go after and sometimes get asterna snails if they flip over but if they are right side up he ignores them. So I have large asterna's and mexican turbos snails that have been with me for a long time. Shrimp are goners for sure. Mine has never bothered any other fish in the tank. Keep um well feed and they are good reef safe fish.

Aquattro 05-16-2012 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 717164)
I'm still not setup to qt and somehow I am still waffling back-and-forth about whether I want to do it at all.

you've read my thread, right?? :razz:

krisalexander 05-16-2012 09:51 PM

Beautiful fish, I was watching them at J & L last week they got about 4 in, man they are beautiful fish.
I have no experience with them, but I wish I did!

George 05-16-2012 09:57 PM

The harlequin tusks in J&L now are from Australia. Australian harlequin tusks are more colorful than those from indo-pacific. Well worth the extra money.

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