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rudy 03-21-2004 04:44 AM

Rare cichlids for sale
I have some A. Lyonsi, V. regani, N. festae and One male umbriferum. All 1-4 inches.
PM me if interested

rudy 03-22-2004 01:16 AM

Update. I also have a pure Amphilophus citrinellus (midas cichlid) 4-5 inch male that I will give away. Not your pet store red devil in the slightest. He has unfortunately paired up with a nic in my 270. I can't have breedeing fish in this tank so.

rudy 03-23-2004 04:45 PM

Midas is gone

Tanman 03-24-2004 06:08 AM

do you have any pics? i may be interested :smile:

rudy 03-24-2004 02:01 PM

Pics of the ones i have, or pics of larger ones. Regani and lyonsi will really begin to shine when the are older.

kris 03-29-2004 04:44 AM

Hey, i know some one who is intrested in the cichlids, are you willing to ship, what do you have left as well what are the prices?


Tanman 03-29-2004 06:14 AM

wow the second ones look like flowerhorns, without the marking on there heads :eek: flower horns must be a cross breed

rudy 03-29-2004 01:44 PM


Hey, i know some one who is intrested in the cichlids, are you willing to ship, what do you have left as well what are the prices?
I probably won't be able to ship. I have never done it before and wouldn't know where to start. Sorry.

For the most part I just have some Lyonsi left.

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