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oyf709 04-10-2012 02:46 AM

FS: (Lower Mainland)All kind of items + DIY parts/As-Is sale
I just digged out bunch of items and really taking my storage spaces, I am selling them cheap and as for those DYI parts for PC lights someone handy might be able to use them as originally I was planned to use them on my SW, butt I end up went for LED.

PS: All price are firm

2x CS100 Overflow- $40 each both are great condition.
here is the detail from JL
CPR C-Siphon Aquarium Overflow - CS100 Deluxe (800GPH)

CPR 16 inch Aqua Light fixture -- $25
This is the light to put on the CPR HOB refrugium and here is the detail rom JL
CPR 16 Inch Aquafuge Light Fixture - 1 x 24W
1x Eheim 100w $5
2x rena 200w $10 each
all tested and working
Brand new Corallife 65W square pin 21" PC bulb $15
Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Skimmer looking or $20
Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Skimmer


I am selling the Fluval 203 for $15 as-is condition, missing all the tubing and also missing 1 out o the 3 clips.
a handy person shouldn't have any problem with it. It is working and still has the full media bucket.

Coral Life straight pin 2x65w ballast with seperate switch. I tested 1 working and the other is currently not, I didn't check any lose wire but when I took them apart from the ligt hood , both were working fine.
I am asking for $10.00 for both

Coral life square pin 2x 95w , same thing as the other set, 1 working and the 2nd one currently not
I am also asking for $10 or you can take the new bulb and this set of DIY for $20

I am only selling these parts cuz I think someone might be able to use them. Rather than paying over $200 for a new light, you can easily install these to your DIY hood and get them working for you again.

oyf709 04-10-2012 06:28 AM

both overlow are pending and red sea skimmer is pending

hd3dd 04-10-2012 04:07 PM

Pm send

oyf709 04-10-2012 08:51 PM

add one more item

Kent Marine Full size Hi-S TFC RO 60 GPD. I had this item for serveral years but only used for about 4months. It was storage with water( i just took one o the container's water out 2 days ago.) So the membrane should still working fine, it is up to you if you want to buy a new membrane.
I am selling it for $80.00. Some fitting are missing which can be easily replaced.

oyf709 04-11-2012 01:12 AM

all DIY ballast are gone, the fluval is gone, both overfolow are gone.

Heaters still available
and the 16" light

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