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albert_dao 04-06-2012 05:49 AM

Albert's 8 gallon
Finally got around to taking pictures and a video of my nano. Enjoy!

A couple weeks ago:

Here it is after a couple of additions:

Some closeups:

And here's a video:

More as I add to it :D

albert_dao 04-06-2012 05:58 AM

Oh, some technical specs:

Tank - 8 gallon custom tank with a sloped front viewing pane
Skimmer - Hydor black squarish thing
Filtration - Aquaclear 20 stuffed with Zeovit and carbon and love
Flow - the tiny Koralia, whatever it's called
Heater - I'm poor, so I don't use one
Lights - Vertex Illumilux 300 x 2
Additives (all dosed whenever I feel like it) - Zeobak, BioMate, ZeoStart3, B-Balance, Pohl's Xtra, Amino Acid LPS, Sponge Power, Coral Snow, ZeoSpur Macroelements and more love
Food - 1 cube of PE mysis and a shaking or frozen Cyclopeeze every day
CUC - 2 Nassarius Snails, 3 Money Cowries, 1 Horned Astrea Snail and 1 Trochus Snail, two Banded Brittle Stars, a hitchhiker Urchin... And a Vertex Duplex magnet
Fish - Rolland's Damsels x 2

Blue World Aquariums 04-06-2012 07:17 AM

Looks awesome, Albert.

mr_alberta 04-06-2012 02:44 PM

That looks pretty cool Albert but I think you should up your dosing of love to at least twice a week :eek:

Slick Fork 04-06-2012 04:55 PM

Looks good!

christyf5 04-06-2012 05:00 PM

That is a great looking little tank Albert! I'm gonna have to try to find one of those hydor black squarish skimmers :razz:

albert_dao 04-06-2012 07:39 PM

Thanks guys.

Regarding the dosing of love: Love is a rare commodity. I only have so much to give.

I'm going to be getting rid of the GBTA today to make room for something less inclined to squat on my Ducans.

Delphinus 04-06-2012 08:27 PM

Great looking tank Albert!

What's the secret to keeping Duncans with short tentacles? Or are longer tentacles just something they just do with age? Mine are an absolute mess and tangle of tentacles several inches in length sweeping to and fro. I kind of prefer the look of them short (like yours has).

albert_dao 04-07-2012 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 702199)
Great looking tank Albert!

What's the secret to keeping Duncans with short tentacles? Or are longer tentacles just something they just do with age? Mine are an absolute mess and tangle of tentacles several inches in length sweeping to and fro. I kind of prefer the look of them short (like yours has).

Bright lights, lots of food and high flow from what I can tell.

Haloreef 04-07-2012 03:56 AM

8 gal
Looks great Albert, just needs a neon candy cane frag!

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