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Cameron 04-06-2012 05:32 AM

HELP: RSM250 Skimmer Ultra LOUD!!!
Cn someone help this rm250 is almost on its way to the dump. The skimmer is soo loud and annoying. I have been running the rsm250 basically skimmer less for 2 years but what a waste. I'm aging the same issue from he buying it. The skimmer vibration drives me nuts. Listen to these videos and let me know any suggestions.

Reef Supplies 04-06-2012 12:33 PM

I'm not familiar with the RSM's but that sounds like a vibration sound. Obviously you had a look if the skimmer or anything around it is vibrating? I remember reading one guy having the same issue and he said something about the heater was vibrating and causing the noise...I don’t see how that's possible but maybe worth a look anyway.


fido19 04-06-2012 12:57 PM

i had a friend who had this skimmer and had the same issue, there was no permanent fix to it but he took like pieces of rubber strips and used water safe glue and attached it to the underplate and any area the skimmer made contact with. it did help to a certain extent and the noise was somewhat bearable.
at times he would put a piece of weight on top of the skimmer that seemed to stop the noise for some reason
i have personally never had this but i have seen his setup and i can confirm that these temporary fixes work to a certain degree

subman 04-06-2012 01:04 PM

The first thing I did with my rsm was swap out the skimmer. That being said did you call red sea about it they have good support.

spawn 04-06-2012 11:23 PM

holy if that was mine id smash it. mine has it's moments but is nothing like that. If mine makes any noise I just move it a bit then it stops.

Skimmerking 04-06-2012 11:45 PM

I looked at my skimmer the pump is the problem. I turned mine on just for a laugh and the impeller and magnet that is attached together is the problem. It's detaches from the magnet. Throw it out and buy a deltec 500 and slip it in there and you will see a hug difference

patd 04-06-2012 11:50 PM

Yeah - the RSM stock skimmer is a piece of junk. Toss it and buy a Deltec or if that's too much $$$ - get a Nano Reef Systems skimmer:

I have one of these and it is not bad at all - takes a bit to condition and tweak but then it pulls pretty good skimmate and it is very quiet. Also fits well under the hood without needing any mods.

spawn 04-06-2012 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 702240)
I looked at my skimmer the pump is the problem. I turned mine on just for a laugh and the impeller and magnet that is attached together is the problem. It's detaches from the magnet. Throw it out and buy a deltec 500 and slip it in there and you will see a hug difference

I used a deltec for a bit that a friend lent me but it was much noisier than the original. plus too much $$$ for what I was getting in a difference in skimate. which was more along the lines of heavy skimming.
I must be lucky the one I have pulls out alot of near solid splooge & can be easily adjusted to heavy. I looked for along time trying to get a different skimmer cause everyone told me that these were ****, but almost 2 years in it's still doing what its supposed to. & I feed heavy daily for fish & coral.

Cameron 04-07-2012 04:07 AM

Thanks for the tips guys, yes I have come close to smashing the damn thing a couple times, hence why it is turned off 90% of the time and RSM support was no help at all

The Guy 04-07-2012 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cameron (Post 702010)
Cn someone help this rm250 is almost on its way to the dump. The skimmer is soo loud and annoying. I have been running the rsm250 basically skimmer less for 2 years but what a waste. I'm aging the same issue from he buying it. The skimmer vibration drives me nuts. Listen to these videos and let me know any suggestions.

Wow that's loud I just put a Tunze 9002 skimmer on my 50 g today and it's very quiet, they also make a larger model. I also have a Remora aqua-C which is good as well. :biggrin:

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