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Bertuzzi decision
Just want to know if everyone thinks he got what he deserves ? ...
personally I have no sympathy for a guy that resorts to a sucker punch to get back at another player but in this case it was made worse by the fact that he crushed him face first into the ice from behind :frown: ... in the case of serious injury with intent I feel the offending player should be out for as long or longer than the player that was hurt. I know you Canuck fans are hurting because you lost your second leading scorer but the kids family almost lost a son :sad: |
i have been watching hockey since i was a grasshopper, and I have seen this sort of hit time and time again. It is unfortunate that he was seriously injured, but I think buckling down on the players who don't actually almost cause death would be the best place to start. A 5 minute bout in the PB isn't going to cut it.
It was a cheap move, and I really doubt he intended the injury that occurred. That said - I think the punishment was fair. And yes, it really sucks for the cunucks =( beth |
Did you hear the crowd during the initial stages of the altercation? They went nuts....cheering... :confused: .
I think that the punishment was fair enough, given that it happened during the course of a hockey game. I don't think that criminal charges are warranted. Personally, I think that fighting should be banned, and I realize that I'm in the minority on that. Given the WWF mentality that is out there in professional sports, I'm pretty sure that this kind of thing is going to happen again. It's the main reason that I quit playing hockey (junior) many moons ago. Mitch |
I think the suspension was a lot more appropriate in this case compared to the one Suter got for taking Paul Kariya's head off. Kariya has never been the same and Suter got 4 games. Kariya probably could have been a contender for the Hart trophy for years to come. Instead he is now just another good but not great player. The NHL needs to protect the players better. I don't see why they can't give automatic suspensions for hits to the head (as per the hit on Naslund). Right now, it is ok to bodycheck someone's head with your shoulder. That is considered a clean hit and that seems wrong.
The bertuzzi hit was stupid and shouldnt have happened. If Moore wanted to skate away, Bertuzzi should have let him and started something later.
The crowd was cheering because there was 3 other fights going on at the time and the goalies were mouthing each other off. I'd love to see a cleaner hockey game. No fighting, no cheapshots and more consistent ref'ing. But it wont happen :( Vancouver will not be a contentender this year and that does suck. But look at our roster anyways, we are all screwed up with injuries and stuff anyways. And Naslund still isnt back to form from the hit the other week so... The ref'ing is so obviously stacked against us, once Vancouver gets some respect from the league, we may have a chance... Maybe in 2 or 3 more years :( |
I think that the suspension was kind of far given that he did sucker punch the guy, but I m sure he didnt mean to injure the guy that bad because I think he tripped on the hockey stick or the shoelace or something like that so he didnt really intend to take the guy down. Plus its part of the game..These players knew what they were getting into when they play the game. Hockey is a full contact sport, its not like some **edited** game like badminton or what not.. Plus with the crazy amount of money that these guys get paid, they do know that they will get injured one day. In the end, hockey is a full contact sport, and players cant just play the game and expect to never get injured. If you dont want to get injured , dont play the sport
It's no secret that the fights make the game more appealing, and make the ratings go up. I wonder if the coaches and the league are setting a fight quota of sorts - I wouldn't be suprised. If that is the case, it's the entire league's fault. But either way, it's a physical sport. I think it warrants punishment, but not criminal charges.
good reply namscam....
yes....it was a cheap punch...but if u see other games...it happens liek 10 times per night per game! i was just unfortunate the way moore landed....other players just land differnetly on the ice....so the way bertuzzi sat on him is not some cheap thing or watso ever...jsut an unlucky break for both players.... so sorry for his family...but as namscan said....this stuff happens...u see worse hits than this one...it wasnt like bertuzzi took a stick or a knife and try to run after moore to stab him....he just a 250lbs dude that fell on a smaller player..in a awkward position..which resulted in a broken neck... in my opinioni....the suspension is fair up to the end of the season..but not fair if into the playoffs!....coz colin campbell is out of his mind...did he just realized he didnt just suspended a player...he actaully ended all playoff hopes for an enitre team....or entire provincE!! like other sucky players gettin suspensions....they hurt more players...as wif the kariya incident..taht guy got 4 games only and he is a sucky player wont affect his team! but u dont take out an impact player..no matter wat....tat just totally really screws up the sport for the city of vancovuer if u want more punishment..fine bert for 500,000 dolalrs or something....but dont screw up the sport for an entire team and city!!! it is stupid thing that bert did...and a more stupid suspension...u make the individula pay for his stupid actions..but not the whole team or the whole city or whole province pay for one person's dumb actions... supsend the guy for remainder of the seaosn..and make him pay like a large sum to charity or something.... but not screw up the team chemsitry and stuff.... obviously cancuks need bert..look at the game last night....NO PLAYER WAS INFRONT OF THE goalie!....we dont have another player like tat to stand infront of the goalie to get screens and impact the gaem.... my opinion maybe outspoken..but im as frustrated as anyoen else..coz i love the cancuks..i watched them for 14 years now! since i was a little kindergarden kid!!! i was so excited about tis year....but had to end the season and hopes coz of tis.... oh well...tat is it for now! |
He did not " fall " on the guy accidentally :rolleyes: ... and this is not the first time that he has done that same move ( one of the sports shows dug up tape of Bertuzzi doing the same " fall on the back of a guys head " move ) crushing dudes face in the ice :frown:
I agree with the suspension of play for the reg season and the entirety of playoffs, but that's where it should end. To keep it open ended at the start of the next season to wait and see how Moore is doing is incorrect imo. The NHL has never deemed the suspension time based on the injury time of the victim before. They should then carry that rule over to when a player injures another player. Let them both stay home til the injured player is fit to return. (being sarcastic but I think you know what I'm getting at)
I have been a Canucks fan since the mid 70's and this incident really disgusts me. I know Todd is a good guy and just made a stupid decision. He showed a lot of character and guts to come out an apologies the way he did. I know he will make things right with Moore personally as well. The thing that disgusts me the most is the type of media attention this is getting. It's getting ridiculous and some of the media people offering their expert opinions aren't even hockey people. I'm sick of it and for Todd's sake hope that things calm down soon. It's gonna take a long time for Todd to rebound from this emotionally and to work on his tarnished reputation. I'm sure we've all did things we wish we could take back, so he that is without sin cast the first stone. Granted this mistake was huge, well so is the punishment and the pressure from pretty much all of N. America. People are really kickin this guy while he's down. Pathetic. |
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