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Flash 04-02-2012 02:51 PM

Roommate tried to help.... FML
SO It's 6:30.... I'm sleeping, and my gf screams at me that my tank is overflowing.... I jumped out of bed run down stairs, cut the power grab a bucket start scooping... hardwood floor is wet, rug underlay i have under the tank is sopping... I yell for towels and out little green carpet steam cleaner... my gf calls the roommate who sent her a text and had already left for work and she her defense was "well her tank was bubbling so i added 6 buckets of water and it still wouldn't stop" so I sent you a text to let you know and left.... I turned the pump back on and opened my valve to my overflow fully and a snail pops out into my sump.

I spent an hour trying to get all the water up I could. Opened the window beside the tank fully, cranked the heat and have it pointed from the vent at the foor by a piece of glass.... soaked up as much water with towels and rags and am now using news paper under the underlay to try and draw as much moisture out as possible. I checked my salinity, thank goodness it was at a level it can afford to drop a bit but now I have to try and get someone to cover for me so I can go home at lunch and see how the situation is coming.... my fear is the moisture trapped under the stand. nothing leaked into the basement... i went and checked that first.... should a drill a hole into the wood my sump sits on and blow a hair dryer into it??

my first major tank oops... and only 4 days before my parents come to visit... GREAT.... ugh....

subman 04-02-2012 03:05 PM

That sucks!! If you need anything lmk

Delphinus 04-02-2012 03:06 PM

Egads, good luck with everything. :neutral:

reef-keeper 04-02-2012 03:14 PM

I really know how you feel that sort of thing happened to me a few years back. Good thing you were at home. I went to work then come home to the front of my tank shattered all over the floor. When all said and done cost of repair was well over $15,000.00. That was the cost to replace the hardwood floor with better water resistant type hardwood. And it took me a long time and a move across the country to be able to have a betta bowl. Today I have a 40 gallon Discus tank and trying to set up a 135 and a 15gallon seahorse tank.

Flash 04-02-2012 03:18 PM

the good news is it was within 45min.... so i think i managed to get most of the water.... i am not pleased with my roommate though.... not pleased at all.. i have banished her from touching my tank ever.... harsh... yes... but it had to be done.

troni 04-02-2012 03:46 PM

hold on so your roomate added 6 buckets of water? WTF

Flash 04-02-2012 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by troni (Post 700280)
hold on so your roomate added 6 buckets of water? WTF

exactally.... SO... you'd thing if the water you're adding to the sump.... isn't being returned to the sump there's a blockage in the overflow right?! WRONG... just add some more water.... I should explain the 6 buckets totalled about 10 gallons. but still... tank level rising.... sure.. let's add another!! ugh.....going home @ 1 to see how it's dried out and check my fish and corals.... i am so not impressed and she knows it.

reefgirl189 04-02-2012 04:07 PM

This is bringing me back to the days where I had roommates... *shudders*

I'm sorry. What a sh*tty way to wake up in the morning.

Oilers 04-02-2012 04:12 PM

I hope she added Prime to the water at least. Sorry to hear the news Flash. It's not something you want to wake up to for sure.

Flash 04-02-2012 04:16 PM

ya I thought someone had died.... instead my hardwood floor was soaked... not super fun! lol! could have been way worse though!!!

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