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toytech 03-19-2012 10:31 PM

random corals for sale
Shutting my tank down and im looking to get rid of some corals
Yellow polyp rock with some GSP $20
digi and yellow zoa rock $20(digi should be blue with red polyps but it browned on me)
purple yuma with green polyps about loony sized $20
3 frags of galaxia $5 each (about 1x1 inch )
1 blue and 1 orange ricordea $10 each
sorry the pics are so blue

dc4 03-19-2012 10:40 PM

Argh, I would take the rics but Ive already been down to abbotsford 2x in the last week, thats about all the driving I can handle for a while :lol:, unless you visit vancouver anytime.

toytech 03-19-2012 11:01 PM

forgot also have a few small $5 zoa frags , oranges , blues , pinks , yellows

rusty shackleford 03-19-2012 11:18 PM

pm sent

toytech 03-20-2012 02:22 AM

blue and orange rics spoken for , zoa frags are gone too yuma is pending

toytech 03-22-2012 06:12 PM

srtill have didgi rock and yellow polyp rock ill take 15 for either .and still left with galaxia frags $5 each

targa81 03-22-2012 07:25 PM

PM sent.

toytech 03-22-2012 11:42 PM

all sold please close

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