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Vishaalkumar 03-12-2012 10:56 AM

Guys i don't know whats going i have been losing almost one a fish everyday i check everything in my tank and everything is coming back normal my corals seem to being doing fine. my salinity was way too high at 1.028 so i did a water change and not it is at 1.026. my tank temperature seemed to be always at 27 degrees so i set the thermostats to 24 and now the tank with lights on is a at 26. do you think my fish died because of the extra salt or temperature? my yellow tang was healthy and when he died i noticed he had brown under his scales and seemed like he was bleeding from the head? none of my fish are aggressive and all get a long well what could possible wrong?

Aquattro 03-12-2012 12:18 PM

No, it's not heat or salt. Any recent additions? Rapid breathing before they die? Any rubbing against rocks?
Skin sloughing off at all?
difference in appearance? Spots? Dull gray sheen on them?

Vishaalkumar 03-12-2012 12:31 PM

one of my clowns i noticed had rapid breathing but it also had a head injury i knew he was going to pass he wasn't doing to well. one of my mollies has rapid breathing right now, my yellow tang was always staying at the bottom of the tank and wasn't eating i have a few pictures i took after the tang died

Aquattro 03-12-2012 12:39 PM

They never look good after dying, probably nothing we can see in a pic post mortem.
As I asked, any recent additions? Appearance of skin? Spots or white dots?

This sounds a lot like my last episode with my fish, they had velvet and I lost most of them.

Vishaalkumar 03-12-2012 12:46 PM

Vishaalkumar 03-12-2012 12:50 PM

i have only added corals no fish, no white spots the skin did appear to be dull on the clown but the tang clearly you can see is brown all over when i got him he was bright yellow and was doing very well for a month

Aquattro 03-12-2012 12:56 PM

Pics don't help much after death, all I can tell is they're dead.

By recent I mean in the last 6 weeks. Nothing new for fish? What have you got left now?
I'd have to speculate and say you have a pathogen, probably velvet (Just because it doesn't sound like ich).
Not much you can do in the display, so the best advice is move the fish to quarantine and treat with copper (or chloroquine if you can find it in a day).

Chances are you don't have a Q tank setup, and copper is probably all you have quick access to, so unless you have remaining expensive fish, you might have to just wait it out and see what happens.

Vishaalkumar 03-12-2012 01:03 PM

nope no fish have been added into my aquarium. i am certain i don't have ich i look for the symptom on my fish everyday. i am going to watch every fish carefully and look for what you have told me

daniella3d 03-12-2012 01:09 PM

This bloody head of your yellow tang might be a bacterial infection. AS for the clownfish, if he looked like that before death it could be brooklynella or another parasite. Best would have been to do a scrape and look at it under the microscope to id the culprit.

When was the last addition to your tank?

Vishaalkumar 03-12-2012 01:28 PM

i just took a look at my fish under the moon lights and i noticed that my baby yellow tang has a bunch of white spots all over his fins not body and my mono had a few. the other fish don't seems to show this but when the day lights turn on i can not see any of these white spots?

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