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canadianbudz604 03-07-2012 05:12 PM

Oh no help
Heater crapPed out last night woke up tO 67degree tank only livestock in the tank is a strawberry anemome and a small hermit but I put a new heater in and left for work. Last I checked in the tank is at 75 will this wreck anything? I can't see it for myself till 4pm will the rock be ok? And the anemome?

reefwars 03-07-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by canadianbudz604 (Post 691005)
Heater crapPed out last night woke up tO 67degree tank only livestock in the tank is a strawberry anemome and a small hermit but I put a new heater in and left for work. Last I checked in the tank is at 75 will this wreck anything? I can't see it for myself till 4pm will the rock be ok? And the anemome?

i dont think it will hurt your rock any, even if it killed any beneficial bacteria theres no way it got it all and it will just repopulate.

the nem may take it worse theyre sensitive to temp changes and id say your herm it will be just fine:)

always good to run a tank off 2 smaller heaters and at least 2 powerheads on different breakers, if something was to happen theres a back up.

controller is also a good purchase:)

Blom 03-07-2012 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 691026)
controller is also a good purchase:)

Man is that a true statement. My tank would have taken a few tumbles if it wasn't for my Profilux.

Hope you go home to good news!

Cubeman 03-07-2012 11:27 PM

Don't think you'll have a problem. I've had crabs, snails and live rock run at room temp for 3 months without any difficulty. Anemones are also pretty resilient.

canadianbudz604 03-08-2012 01:20 AM

Well, I came home and everything looks good tested everything ph 8.2 ammonia 0 nitrates 0 nitrites 0 salinity 1.024, and actually the anenome was a spotted white when i got him now hes a white with lots of bright pink... no sign of the hermit though, but he could be in one of the many holes in the rock. thank the lord:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: strawberry anenome was a nice hitchhiker surprise

BlueWorldAquatic 03-08-2012 03:01 AM

should't affect anything drastically.

If you have space, always nice to have 2 hears in your tank instead of 1 powerfull one.

This way one becomes a backup to the other.

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