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Reef Tank Engineer 03-07-2012 03:59 PM

Anemone feeding
Hi all i have a green carpet and a pink bubble tip and was wondering how often i should feed these guys.

whatcaneyedo 03-07-2012 05:24 PM

I've been feeding my Sebae anemone every other day for around 8 years now. Ron Shimek Ph D who has written a lot on this hobby recommends it. Pretty much anything you could want to know about anemone keeping is in this brief article Years ago I think the article had more pictures... but at least the information is still there.

reefwars 03-07-2012 06:25 PM

i feed my green haddoni carpet about once a week, maybe 2 at most.

i feed only mysis to my carpet and in 4 mths it went from a small 6" nem from big als to a beautiful 20" in my display.mysis is very healthy for not a fan of silversides.

if you keep it well fed and give it a good spot where it can dig its foot while having a rock crevice to cover into when its cleaning time it should stay put.

an aggressive pair of clowns will keep other fish away......for the most part......but i guarantee at some point it will eat another fish if they are around long enough.

you will find as it grows it will shrink down to nothing at times, dont panick and just wait it out usualy overnight it will come back to size.


reefwars 03-07-2012 06:28 PM

i dont feed bubbletips just a small piece from the turkey baster on occasion.

lta's and sebaes i would feed every few days nothing too large.

my magnificant which was around 24" in diameter would eat a large piece of mysis,crab or brine every 2 days that thing was a bottomless pit.

if by chance you overfeed most will just spit up what they cant eat.

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