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Coralgurl 02-11-2012 01:55 AM

Disappearing wrasses
I bought a mystery wrasse on boxing day, acclimated and added to the tank. Saw him the next day and been missing since. Last weekend I added a radiant wrasse, same thing, saw it Monday morning and haven't seen it since. Yesterday, I noticed my solar wrasse is missing a chunk out of his tail fin. I don't think the other fish are causing problems....I had a funky red crab in the tank somewhere but no clue where it is..wth? I know wrasses can hide for a while but this is frustrating!

lockrookie 02-11-2012 02:07 AM

they seem to make wrasses of us all the time.. but if there is a chunk out of the one there may be a munch happy critter or fish that doesnt like the wrasses

fishytime 02-11-2012 02:07 AM

whats your list of suspects(fish) Sheena? the tank covered?.....I would think that it would have to be one badass crab to take down a radiant wrasse?

gregzz4 02-11-2012 02:11 AM

That missing Mystery is a bit of a ... nevermind, I won't do it :wink:
I'd be looking for nasty crabs
Do you have a Mag-light? The AA sized flashlight.
I have one that I plan on getting a red lens and led bulb for so I can hunt around after lights out.

Coralgurl 02-11-2012 02:14 AM

The only thing I can think of is that red crab but I haven't seen it in months.

Tank isn't covered but there's nothing on the floor. Had a clown jump last summer and found the body on the floor, cat and dog left it alone.

I moved a bit of sand around but no fish....the radiant is gorgeous, but that's $200 in missing fish...

Only other tank mates are 2 clowns, royal gramma, cardinal and the solar wrasse. Typical snails and a few hermits. Might give up on the wrasses.....:cry:

gregzz4 02-11-2012 02:19 AM

Oh don't give up !!!
I bet you have a crab or more that you need to catch.
You never see them right now .... 'cause you keep feeding them :mrgreen:
Seriously, get a red light, or set up a trap or something.
Think 'crab trap' like when they harvest 'our' crab food.

Coralgurl 02-11-2012 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 681009)
Oh don't give up !!!
I bet you have a crab or more that you need to catch.
You never see them right now .... 'cause you keep feeding them :mrgreen:
Seriously, get a red light, or set up a trap or something.
Think 'crab trap' like when they harvest 'our' crab food.

I will get me a red light and figure this out...whatever it is has expensive taste!

doch 02-12-2012 06:49 PM

I'm not sure how your tank is set up, but check your sump if there's any way that they could get in there... I found my Solar in there, starved to death long after he'd gone missing. This would not however explain the chunks missing from the wrasse you still have.

Coralgurl 02-12-2012 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by doch (Post 681492)
I'm not sure how your tank is set up, but check your sump if there's any way that they could get in there... I found my Solar in there, starved to death long after he'd gone missing. This would not however explain the chunks missing from the wrasse you still have.

No sump on this tank, just a canister filter and there's no way it got sucked up. I haven't found the crab....yet. My other tank is cycling now, going to pull out a large piece of lr and move it over to give me a bit of room to look around.

Coralgurl 02-13-2012 12:53 AM

Found the radiant wrasse in the sand, he came out for 3seconds then dug back in. Guess he's not ready to come out yet but glad he's still in there!:biggrin:

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