Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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-   -   FS Orange Striped Melanarus Wrasse, Halymenia amd Corky Finger - Calgary (

Carmen 02-08-2012 02:08 AM

FS Orange Striped Melanarus Wrasse, Halymenia amd Corky Finger - Calgary
I have a beautiful Melanuarus Wrasse for sale! He's just getting a little large for my tank - Great Fish - super active and they are known to eat flatworms! Awesome little fish to have around! About 3" (caught and in my sump - needs to go ASAP!) $45 sold

Couple 6-8" pieces of Halymenia (Red Macro Algae) $20 sold

Need to frag my Corky Finger 2 or 3 - 2" frags available $15ea pending
Sorry not the best pics.......

corky finger in bottom right of tank

The Grizz 02-08-2012 02:10 AM

Oh I so want the Corky figure Carmen but won't be down for at least 2 weeks. :sad:

Carmen 02-08-2012 02:23 AM

Not surethat would work Greg as I leave for Hawaii in 2 weeks gone til Mar 7th - however If I have an extra piece later I am sure we can work something out!

The Grizz 02-08-2012 02:28 AM

HAWAII!! You lucky gal, I'm jelious the closest I will get to there is watching Hawaii 5-O. Tried to buy some from an online store up north but was refused.

Maybe next time, have fun in Hawaii :biggrin:

Carmen 02-08-2012 02:31 AM

Thanks Greg!

Wrasse and halymenia spoken for.

Carmen 02-08-2012 08:52 PM

Wrasse and Macro sold, corky finger pending....

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