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VFX 02-07-2012 04:20 AM

What tank mates for this guy? Also, ID?
I've had this crab in my refugium for a long while but now's time to give him a proper home as he's getting a little lonely.

I was thinking of setting up a nano for him. Something like a 14G or so.

Just looking for ideas for tank mates baring in mind he's now about 4-5 inches in size.

Also, anyone know exactly what kind of crab he is? I bought him as a swimming crab...


hillegom 02-07-2012 04:27 AM

I can't id him, but he's a handsome devil

dc4 02-07-2012 04:48 AM

Google "711 Crab", had one in my tank for less than an hour before it killed my huge strawberry snail, not reef safe fyi. Only reason it got into my tank was cause my wife found it so damn cute, too bad it turned out to be a murderer, lol.

tang daddy 02-07-2012 07:11 AM

711 crab?

now that's not one name you hear everyday.... soon as I heard that name I was thinkin you put the crab in and it got to servin slurpies LOL

They should have named it 187 crab, sorry it killed your snail, Darren.

Hey Viv that is one smooth looking crab, you could add a another crab buddy for him like an arrow or something.... they would make a cute couple :razz:

K not so funny anymore, I just googled it and read that this crab is pretty destructive and should not be kept in the reef, cornering fishes inverts and can quickly terrorize a tank. They also grow up to be quite large 10-11" maybe other crabs might not be safe in confined spaces.

lastlight 02-07-2012 07:21 AM

That's a beauty of a crab! I'd love to have one roaming my fuge but not sure what wouldn't get decimated by something that size.

Mandosh 02-07-2012 04:08 PM

Can't help you with tank mates, but I can with an ID:

Spotted Reef Crab. Carpilius maculatus.

VFX 02-07-2012 04:11 PM

Ha 7-11 crab! I like it! Thanks for the ID.

I knew he'd be destructive but my g/f loved him so much that I had to get him. He's been keeping my chaeto company & feeding on pods & baby cleaner shrimps ever since. I feed him a chunk of fish meat or crack open a clam for him about once every 2 weeks.

He's grown about an inch or so in less than a year,

It'd be nice to find a female for him but they'd probably fight to the death in such a small space.

So no other tank mates for him?

He'll have to stay lonely?


paddyob 02-07-2012 04:50 PM

You bought it???


Looks like a free hitch hiker for my toilet. Lol

Joking, mostly, I would not flush it. I would give it to a trigger!

But then again... I don't like crabs.

I would not put anything in the tank with a big crab.

Crabs are opportunistic feeders. They take anything they can.

Even reef safe hermits can go to the darkside.

Good luck.

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