Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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couchrugby2 01-31-2012 09:47 PM

Wanted Anemones Calgary
Anyone have any Anemones they want to get rid of or have no room for? 01-31-2012 09:52 PM

What type are you exactly looking for.I mean how old is your system and what size simply to narrow down what would work best for you:biggrin:

couchrugby2 02-01-2012 01:17 AM

I have a 250 Gallon tank which doesn't have much in it except fish. I can't seem to afford what they charge in the stores. I only have xenia which has taken over really well, a couple of acans and a bunch of mushrooms which seem to do well, and two leather corals. My sump system is about 100 gallons. It just looks abit bare with only one small anenome in there.

couchrugby2 02-01-2012 11:37 PM

Wanted Anenomes-Calg.
Anyone need to make room or have any anenomies that they don't want please let me know. Large leathers or finger also wanted. In fact any soft corals as I have a big healthy , but empty tank.

reefwars 02-01-2012 11:39 PM

dont you already have an anemone thread???

just bump the thread you already have instead of starting a new one way easier then typing a whole new one:P cheers

Palmer 02-02-2012 04:14 PM

I have green BTA if you are looking for those. Also have some SPS and LPS and GSP if interested.

muck 02-02-2012 04:18 PM

Combined the two threads... no need for more than one. :wink: 02-02-2012 04:29 PM

I have a niche of lord acans that I need to frag some maxim mini and one large blue carpet few of hammers lol and lots of ssoaz ...let me know if interested.

Sumfingwong 02-02-2012 04:58 PM

my tiny GBTA split awhile back, but they are both still in my zoa colony. If one of them moves then I will have one to sell

reefwars 02-02-2012 11:13 PM

eli how much you asking for the blue carpet?? pm if you want to sell it:p

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