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spikehs 02-26-2004 06:28 AM

The Da Vinci Code
just finished reading this book, it is amazing.... the best book i have read by far. The crazy thing is most of it is based on truth. Its about secret meanings hidden in da vinci's paintings, there is much more to it, but if you haven't read it i don't want to spoil it!!! check it out!

Tau2301 02-29-2004 12:21 AM

Did you just accept it as the truth, or did you investigate any of the claims made?

spikehs 02-29-2004 02:28 AM

well, i don't really know.... with all the evidence that they pointed out its hard NOT to believe that SOMETHING is not what we were told...

Tau2301 02-29-2004 02:59 AM

If you have a chance, there is a 3/4 page article in the Calgary Herald today (Saturday) that debunks a lot of what is posed as truth in book in question.

It is not all one sided of course, but it may make you want to actually do some research yourself rather than just accepting the book as gospel - pun intended.

spikehs 02-29-2004 03:33 AM

sweet... i'll take a look at that.. although if you go to his site he says that all the information in it is true, in the sense that people do believe all these theories.

Quinn 07-27-2004 03:47 AM


Cap'n 07-27-2004 05:42 AM

Interesting article Quinn. Probably enjoyed it more than I would the book. Reminds me of the Celestine Prophecy. Also a good read, but don't forget the grain of salt.

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