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HaZRaTTy 01-21-2012 08:35 PM

Bristleworm Good or Bad?

During a small re-scape for some corals and what not I found a Bristleworm in the sand must have fell out of the LR.

I have read good and bad things, just looking for a general consensus what you guys think. Where should the dude go? He's approx 1.5inches.

I've read to keep them, I've read to get rid of them.


Cal_stir 01-21-2012 08:49 PM

for every one you see theres prob ten you don't, they are harmless scavengers, i wouldn't about it

reefwars 01-21-2012 08:59 PM

harmless to your reef maybe but dont get them in your hands lol but ya they are beneficial but the become a pest so when ever i can i pull the large ones out and into my sump:)

heres a video of me catching a huge bristle worm:)

Reefie 01-21-2012 09:14 PM

Haha that one isn't that big! I had one that was 1" wide, it was pretty disgusting looking.

Like everyone has posted, they aren't bad as long as they don't get out of hand. Just take out the big fat ones. They take care of the detritus for you.

After watching the video, now I know how to catch the bigger ones a lot easier. Thanks to reefwars for posting the video!

reefwars 01-21-2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Reefie (Post 673860)
Haha that one isn't that big! I had one that was 1" wide, it was pretty disgusting looking.

Like everyone has posted, they aren't bad as long as they don't get out of hand. Just take out the big fat ones. They take care of the detritus for you.

After watching the video, now I know how to catch the bigger ones a lot easier. Thanks to reefwars for posting the video!

no problem at all a little bit of mysis on a ("roachclip??) lures them out pretty good.

you should see some of the ones i never got on video lol ive caught ones about 24" long and same as you about an inch or so thick lol that one was arund 12" and about a half inch thick:)they do very well for un eaten food and ditrius that settles in the dark places on the sand:P

HaZRaTTy 01-21-2012 11:12 PM

24'' -.-

I grabbed this dude with my hands.. and did the creepy crawly shuffle into a small tuperware. I'm going to throw him back in.

Ps. That's a sweet video --- Nothing like a Friday night worm fishing!:mrgreen:

Reefie 01-21-2012 11:34 PM

We should do a contest for the BIGGEST Bristle Worm!
Maybe 2 contests, 1 for Length and 1 for width. HAHA!

Wayne 01-22-2012 12:51 AM

Flush them. Flush them all. Last time I got nailed by one, I disolved the bristles in vinegar. An hour later I was thirsty, "ok look theres a glass of water"... We all can imagine where it went from there :mrgreen:

HaZRaTTy 01-22-2012 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Wayne (Post 673927)
Flush them. Flush them all. Last time I got nailed by one, I disolved the bristles in vinegar. An hour later I was thirsty, "ok look theres a glass of water"... We all can imagine where it went from there :mrgreen:

That's disgusting not only was it a Bristleworm it was a cup of vinegar lol.

Nano 01-22-2012 04:04 AM

If you have big ones there could be a chance of overfeeding if they are getting that big. But they are pretty well harmless until they get to be reefwars size lol that one will make a great addition to a sump clean up crew though for sure.

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