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AquaticFinatic 01-02-2012 01:35 AM

Whats your top 5 fish??
I'm having trouble making a fish list so I am asking the question from you fellow reefers for some help!! I need your top 5 lists.

I have so far:

yellow tang
tail spot blennie
two perc clowns
two yellow gobies
lawn mower blennie
two cleaner shrimp

My tank is 200g 5x30"x26 tall no corals yet.Thanks in advance and look forward to your lists.

Oilers 01-02-2012 01:56 AM

The following fishes in my tank are my favorites.
1) Purple tang
2) Sailfin tang
3) Powder blue tang
4) Yellow tang
5) Flame angel

frizzo1983 01-02-2012 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by daveycoopa (Post 666747)
I'm having trouble making a fish list so I am asking the question from you fellow reefers for some help!! I need your top 5 lists.

I have so far:

yellow tang
tail spot blennie
two perc clowns
two yellow gobies
lawn mower blennie
two cleaner shrimp

My tank is 200g 5x30"x26 tall no corals yet.Thanks in advance and look forward to your lists.

Dusky Jawfish
Orange Shoulder
Unicorn Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Potters Dwarf Angel

cale262 01-02-2012 02:03 AM

My favorite work fish in no particular order;

Lawn mower blennie
Diamond back gobie
Kole tang
Cleaner wrasse
Yellow coris wrasse

toytech 01-02-2012 02:09 AM

hmm hard to only pick 5
copperband butterfly
ornate leopard wrasse
christmas wrasse
yellow eye kole tang
and better throw in a bucket load of fairy and flasher wrasses for good measure

Nano 01-02-2012 02:18 AM

I don't have five so i cant say lol, but my favorite is my scooter blenny not sure why.. but i love him.

Tom R 01-02-2012 02:25 AM

1 - Majestic Angel
2 - Majestic Angel
3 - Majestic Angel
4 - you get the idea

and maybe an Orchid Dottiback

Myka 01-02-2012 02:31 AM

For affordable fish??? Heheehhehe.

~ Yellow Coris Wrasse and/or Melanurus Wrasse and/or Grey Head Wrasse (all good scavengers and eat flatworms and bristleworms)

~ Fairy/Flasher Wrasses are colorful and get along nicely in groups provided there is only one super male.

~ Yellow Headed Jawfish are entertaining and attractive fish.

~ Firefish are colorful and active. I love Purple Firefish. Kept singly though.

~ Majestic Angels are as reef-safe as Angels get, but not really considered reef-safe. Love them though, gorgeous fish.

lastlight 01-02-2012 02:38 AM

- Big Tangs (I have none): Sohal, Naso, Vlamingi

- Kole (have)

- Leopard wrasses (have 2)

- Black cap basslet (settled for Royal Gramma for now)

- Tailspot Blenny (have)

George 01-02-2012 03:07 AM

In no particular order:
Scribble Angel
Venusta Angel
Majestic Angel
Multicolor Angel
Multibar Angel

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