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kies1 01-01-2012 04:32 PM

75 gallon or 90 gallon
As the title says I will be upgrading from a 35 gallon sumpless reef to one of these two size tanks. The tanks are the same footprint meaning they are 4 feet long same depth 18 inches I believe but the 90 is 4 inches taller. New system will have a sump as large as I can go so am wondering what everyone's experiences are with either tank. I have heard the wet armpit thing with the 90 gallon but figure if I am upgrading may as well go as big as I can for just a littler more dollars. Thanks for any input. Have been looking at perfecto reef ready, miracles and aqueon reef ready as far as tanks go. They are all very close in price as the perfecto is the least expensive and miracles the most expensive. Perfecto has corner over flow which I like compared to the aqueon that has offset overflow.

Brightwhite 01-01-2012 04:43 PM

I've ran both of those sizes and would recommend the 90.

vanreefer 01-01-2012 05:02 PM

always go bigger... you will want a larger tank in the future... plus a 90 will give you slightly more stable water conditions

no_bs 01-01-2012 05:10 PM


kies1 01-01-2012 05:45 PM

Thanks for the reply's looks like 90 it is. Thanks every one was thinking that's what the responses would be. Sounds unanimous. Out of the three tanks any recommendations?

marlincoral 01-01-2012 06:55 PM

go used find one on here I paid over $1000 for a 90gal stand and sump and took down and sold for $400 two years ago and just recently got back into it and bought a 90gal tank and stand with a corner overflow for $200 the exact same kind we sold two years ago which left $800 to spend on other stuff all which was found on canreef

MarkoD 01-01-2012 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by no_bs (Post 666590)

And that's no bs

Aquattro 01-01-2012 08:19 PM

I'd go with the 75, personally. The 90 only gives you height, which may not give you much at all. The 75 will be easier to light, and easier to reach the things that fall to the bottom rear of the tank. I've had both, I preferred the 75. For the slight extra water volume, you can add a bigger sump.

mikejrice 01-01-2012 09:32 PM

Definitely 75. The extra height makes it harder to get rock up in to the high light zone of your tank. You will also get less par on the bottom.

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English

kies1 01-01-2012 11:18 PM

Good points, have been looking for used but nothing has come up as of yet. I like the extra water volume of the 90 but the 75 has some good points as well. Question will a blue tang be ok in a 75? this is one fish that my wife would love for us to have.

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