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lockrookie 12-26-2011 03:19 AM

lockrookie's 180g (build #3)
So here it is i currently have a 90g tank my first saltwater attempt. i enjoy my 90 but having seen so many of your tanks in the city, i have always wished i could build a larger tank. when thoughts of the 50g came about we originaly wanted to build a 400g in our basement. regretfully with the daycare we could not take up precious play we built the 50g

the 50g build was such a blast trying new things experimenting. in the end i was very pleased with the outcome...just not the added power due to the halides lol.may change that to leds within the year.

anywho the 50g build gave be a whole new thought process due to its success so i planned to rebuild on the same stand a 120g tank from scratch got some quotes from some glass companies and almost died. i could have bought a new tank custom made cheaper lol except shipping would kill me.

so for the past year i have been watching used regina and poof a guy was selling a 180g tank for 180 bucks due to the front pane cracked on him (this is why you use foam under your tank ppl) his house shifted one end dropped the other stayed put and snap 180g all over your foor.

but i talked the guy down to 150$ and now own a broken glass i was going to have it cut up to make my 120 but my loving wife suggests if the floor will handle the weight why not build the 180... really love my wife.. and the way the supports are in my home i will be ok. thus for the reason for this thread

my 180g upgrade.. thanks for following

my 90g in the beginning

my 90g now

future 180 as it is now lol

steve fedyk 12-26-2011 03:46 AM

you should get a price on low iron vs. regular glass when you go to replace the old cracked one.

Are you planning on using an internal or external over flow.

lockrookie 12-26-2011 04:04 AM

i will be looking into the different costs definately my father gets glass at wholesale cost sooo thats a bonus

the tank will be up against a wall so i cant do externaleven if i wanted to regretfully it willbe internal overflows but i will be hiding the overflows and possibly the wolback wall with diy rockwall structures so that i can also hide the return pumbing i dislike seeing plumbing if i can hide powerheads i will do so as well see my 50g thread to see what i mean.

lockrookie 12-27-2011 04:16 PM

so if i did euro brace im thinking i wont need bracing where the overflow is due to the overflow in itselfis some what bracing the tank.. i could be wrong in this so your ideas are welcomed

lockrookie 12-28-2011 04:43 PM

priced out glass for front panel this morning looking at 170 bucks for regular glass but

if i go starphire it will cost me 500 to replace both side panels and front pane. i have one more price to search out before i decide what route to go...i have to take in to concideration that we have twin girs to feed lol

Nano 12-28-2011 04:48 PM

Personally I would go with regular glass but thats just my opinion, I hear starfire scratches very easily

lockrookie 12-28-2011 06:34 PM

i have heard that as well and that is a deciding factor in all this as well but yet in my current tank i have regular glass and it and have managed to scratch it as well so im hoping that if im extra careful and not use cheap scrapers i will be abletokeep it scratch free for at leasst a year lol

Nano 12-28-2011 06:47 PM

yea I have regular glass on my cichlid tank, and the sand alone, has cause some scratches, so I guess it depends on the amount of abuse too! I know you can buy those plastic scrappers for acrylic, I'm sure they would work for star fire, I'm just not sure how well

lockrookie 12-28-2011 07:02 PM

most scrached happen from substrate getting sandwiched in the scraper thats how mine happened anyways but since ive used magfloat i havent had an issue.. nothings perfect forever.

lockrookie 01-01-2012 06:23 PM

so i have been doing some drawing and yes it looks simular to the tank i currently have we love our stand and wish to keep it the same if possible

any thoughts and ideas let em shoot

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