reefme |
12-23-2011 09:38 PM |
10 free BWA (food bank) tickets
Sorry all gone
Giving away 10 free Edmonton BWA food bank tickets. The rule is simple as follow:
The first ten people posts to this thread are winners starting 9:00pm sharp today (DEC-23-2011) Edmonton Reefme's computer time. I am not responsible for delivery. If problems arise I will decide.
Here are the tickets Numbers: 436655,436656,436657,436658,436659,436660,
436661,436662,436663,& 436664. Numbers are first come first serve.
Wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!
BWA = Blue World Aquatics
Note: You can give or sell your winning ticket to anyone you like.
Hope I don't confuse any body or missing something on this thread.