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gregzz4 12-23-2011 04:08 AM

Vortech battery backup alternate
For those of you interested in making your own Vortech battery backup system...

I checked the local costs of a Battery Tender Junior - yipes, $50. Even online it'll still cost close to this with freight.
So I went to Canadian Tire. They had this charger on sale today for $19.99

And for a rechargeable battery, I went Battery World and picked up a 12v 18Ah sealed lead acid battery, much like this one , for $60.00

I grabbed a pair of EcoTech fused backup connectors from J&L.

I bought a pair of female connectors from RP Electronics in Vancouver.

I should be able to run both props @ 50% for 36 hours off this one battery.

gregzz4 06-22-2013 02:31 AM

If you can't get your hands on the factory cables for the battery ports on the pumps, you can use these 1.3mm x 3.5mm male connectors and a 2A fuse (per pump)

Kafudafish 06-22-2013 04:55 AM

If anyone in Edmonton needs a battery. I have 8Ah 12v rechargeable batteries

byee 03-30-2015 02:25 PM



Please post photos of your DIY battery backup for your Vortechs.


gregzz4 03-30-2015 11:39 PM

This is all I have for now and you can't really see much :wink:

byee 03-30-2015 11:56 PM

When there is a power outage the backup battery kicks in automatically?

Runtime is 36 hours at 50% with an 18Ah battery.

What was the approximate cost of the DIY battery build?


gregzz4 03-31-2015 12:19 AM

I'm not convinced about the 36 hour runtime - just what I got off the web.
We had an overnight outage and if I recall correctly, 12 hours brought the battery down by 50%. But that was with 2 MP10s running.

Costs are in the first post but are over 3 years old now.

I'm happy with the trickle charger. After 3 years I hooked the battery up to my car battery charger and it was @ 100% nearly instantly, so the little charger is doing it's job.

gregzz4 07-12-2018 01:58 AM

My little Canuck Tire trickle charger is still going strong, and my original battery purchased back in Dec 2011 is also still good.
Some time back in 2016 I purchased a second battery to double my run time.
This also allows me to overlap the original battery as it ages.
I connected both batteries' positive and negative posts together with 10ga wire, and connected the charger's positive to 1 battery, with the charger's negative connected to the other battery. This ensures both batteries receive a ballanced charge.
I also connected my MP10s to 1 battery's positive and the other battery's negative. This way the pumps draw from both batteries equally.

My run time for 2 pumps should be 72 hours @ 50%, but even if I only get 1 day it's enough.

I think, now that the original battery is 7 years old, I'll replace it soon.

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