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1628 02-19-2004 06:18 PM

Where in vancouver or close to can I get some foam to put underneath the tank?

kris 02-19-2004 06:24 PM

Hey, i went to home depo and picked up a sheet of pink foam board.

it worked perfectly

1628 02-19-2004 06:26 PM

do they have any other colour?! :redface: :confused:

MitchM 02-19-2004 06:39 PM

I've seen lower density white foam there also.
That's what I use.


1628 02-19-2004 06:52 PM

I know most people put the foam in between the tank and the stand, but does anyone put the foam underneath the stand?

apepper 02-19-2004 07:02 PM

I have also seen 1/4" thick sheets of cork that may work and might be more visually pleasing.

Gujustud 02-19-2004 08:51 PM

How does this foam hold up to the odd spill of saltwater down the edge of the tank? It doesn't eat away at it does it?

monza 02-19-2004 09:34 PM

I used the white foam and ran black duct tape along the edge, looks good and has zero signs or wear.

kris 02-19-2004 09:45 PM

i use the pink stuff ( it was all they had at the time honestly :redface: ) for between my tank and stand. As well on the inside of the stand for the sump to sit on, and for add nosie reduction. I have not seen any sighns of wear.

Gujustud 04-21-2004 09:23 PM

I picked up some of the pink foam (polysterne) to put under my tank. I got it from the building supply area.

Couldn't find anything to put under the stand however. Any recommendations?

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