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Carmen 12-08-2011 02:29 AM

Carmen's Cube
Well I really do not have a proper tank journal and I don't have the time to update regularily, however I thought it be nice to share a few pics every now and then.
This is my little itty bit of ocean in my living room. Yes, I find it quite squishy compared to the 144 Gallon tank I had to part with, but it satisfies the craving! Aside from the algae issues driving me a little batty, (my own neglect being the cause), I am thouroughly enjoying my little tank. Super easy maintenance and in my living room where I can truly enjoy it!

So the main reason I kept a little tank going was I just could not part with my first ever fish - my clowns! And their host Rose Bubble Tip Anemone. My clowns were regular breeders in the big tank but stopped completely after they were moved to a small tank. Not that I blame them since I am sure it was rather shocking to go from 144G to 45G!! And the anemone went into massive shock! And turned virtually brown and rather ugly! However, now - 4 months later - my precious clowns are breeding again and my nem is nice and pink! YAY!!

I know the tank is truly nothing fancy and has some rather embarrassing algae concerns but I find it so very exciting to see my clowns happy again and producing eggs. So I thought I'd share a few little pics.

fishytime 12-08-2011 02:44 AM

its about time!.......I dont doesnt look as bad as you are making it out to be, in fact, it looks pretty dang wanna see bad?..... you should see my little tank:redface:.....still got those shrooms, I see.... I love those rhodactis.....

intarsiabox 12-08-2011 02:46 AM

I love the tank! It has a very natural look and feel to it.

reefwars 12-08-2011 03:04 AM

i was expecting to see huge algae turffs but instead i see a neat little cube good job carm:) nothing a little gfo wont fix with some time :) look great and the nem/clowns look like their enjoying their new home:)cheers:)

BMahura 12-08-2011 03:43 AM

Tank it looking great Carmen. I love the wrasse. What kind is it?

fishytime 12-08-2011 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by BMahura (Post 658524)
Tank it looking great Carmen. I love the wrasse. What kind is it?

oh, oh, oh....*raises hand*.....I know that one......melenarus wrasse..... and a fine one at that.....

The Grizz 12-08-2011 04:27 AM

That cube look bangin Carmen. Only thing is........ Where the helz are you & Laurie finding all the maxi mini's?

fishytime 12-08-2011 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 658553)
That cube look bangin Carmen. Only thing is........ Where the helz are you & Laurie finding all the maxi mini's?

oh, oh, oh.....*raises hand again*.....I know that one too.......but......I should probably let Carmen do her own tank journal thread:wink::twised:.......Lauries got all hers at Big Als in E-town

Myka 12-08-2011 04:49 AM

LOL @ Doug!

Nice cube Carmen! Love the Melanurus...that's what mine was supposed to look like! Very colorful tank!

lastlight 12-08-2011 07:36 AM

glad you could hold onto the part of your old tank that meant the most to you. Things don't look bad at all and the nem is purdy.

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