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Ryan 11-28-2011 02:28 AM

45g Starfire
With a move in the next couple weeks I was able to set up a new tank in the new house. This is. 45g (36x18x16.5) build with a Starfire front. I was going to set this up as a peninsula tank but it was going to be a little tight.

Equipment will be:
Skimmer Options
Skimz 161
Vertex IN-100
SWC Xtreme 160

Jager 150w

Water Movement
2x Tunze 6055 with 7095 (soon 7096)

Return Pump
QuietOne 4000

So far the tank is in its temporary place until after christmas. I am going to add some Live Rock and some sand to get the cycle going.

I am also going to built a new screen top for this tank but can only find the metal screen frames, do they make them in plastic as well? I also cant wait to try out these new filter socks from Dave @ Concept. They are a 300 micron Screen Sock; I am wishing I grabbed the 7" instead of 4" but they will work.

So what do you guys think? Any insight on the skimmer choice or the plastic window screen frame?

Ryan 12-10-2011 12:13 AM

I have done a little more. Still trying to work the stand up.

Picked up a McCoskers Wrasse tonight so I finally build my screen top. He's the first fish in the tank.

Nano 12-10-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan (Post 654700)
I am also going to built a new screen top for this tank but can only find the metal screen frames, do they make them in plastic as well? I also cant wait to try out these new filter socks from Dave @ Concept. They are a 300 micron Screen Sock; I am wishing I grabbed the 7" instead of 4" but they will work.

Check Home depot or Lowes maybe They sell that plastic Egg crate, if that would work for you that is

Ryan 12-10-2011 12:23 AM

Its built and on the tank already, thanks for the heads up!

Beverly 12-10-2011 02:01 AM

I've got some Bay Mills fiber glass 24" by 84" screen from the hardware store. It feels just like plastic and works really well.

Ryan 12-10-2011 02:02 AM

I got some stuff from Dave @ Concept and got the lid built tonight.

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