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Jenn_737700 11-26-2011 11:09 PM

A friend of mine just got a nudibranch, and is wondering what to feed it. LFS told her it would eat algae, but I'm not so sure...

I couldn't find any pics of it online, but I guess I could describe it...

its white with dark purple on the sides, a bit of lime green, and blue on the bottom. Caring for this thing's a bit of a long shot...but any help would be appreciated.:razz:

BlueWorldAquatic 11-26-2011 11:26 PM

more than likely flatworms, or smaller bugs.

You can try sponges

whatcaneyedo 11-26-2011 11:27 PM

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that about 99% of nudibranches do not eat algae. It probably eats some species of sponge or coral... but unless you can get a positive ID or catch it munching on something you may never know. Or you could spend an hour or more browsing through this site until you find a picture that matches. Theres also a small chance that if you take a picture and post it here someone might be able to ID it for you.

Jenn_737700 11-29-2011 03:50 AM

Okay thanks:biggrin: I'll check that site out, then get some pics.

reefwars 11-29-2011 03:54 AM

heres another site if you need an id on what ind it is

im with russell and it prob doesnt eat algae or we would all have them hehehe;)

Dr_Hicks 11-29-2011 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 655149)
heres another site if you need an id on what ind it is

im with russell and it prob doesnt eat algae or we would all have them hehehe;)

Excellent site, thanks so much for posting it !

Jenn_737700 11-29-2011 04:19 AM

thanks for the help, and i found what kind it is:

Nembrotha chamberlaini, and it feeds on ascidians. So if any of you have any, i'll buy them! :razz:

ScubaSteve 11-29-2011 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Jenn_737700 (Post 655163)
thanks for the help, and i found what kind it is:

Nembrotha chamberlaini, and it feeds on ascidians. So if any of you have any, i'll buy them! :razz:

Yikes! Ascidians are troublesome to keep at the best of times, let alone having a constant supply of them. I love nudi's... they are hands down my favourite sea creature... but they're darn near impossible to keep because they are obligate eaters of some equally impossible things to keep.

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