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thanhjenn 11-14-2011 03:15 AM

Catching a Fish
Have a bicolor tang I want to catch but he/she is tooooo fast. Don't really want to tear down my reef tank for a fish. Any suggestions? Or if you have a way to catch it without destroying my tank you can have him.

Nano 11-14-2011 03:35 AM

You might have to trap her.

thanhjenn 11-14-2011 04:02 AM

Please elaborate

luvthereefer 11-14-2011 04:12 AM

you can buy a trap ot you can make one out of a 2litre pop bottle.

take the label off, rinse well, then on the bottom cut along the lines that make a star.
theory being fish can get in, but cant get out.
no guarantee you get the right fish though lol

hope this helps, or just google "fish trap"

good luck.

reefwars 11-14-2011 06:17 AM

you can also block off its hiding places with eggcrate or pieces of acrylic just lay sheets over its hiding places untill it has no where to run to:):)

Ryan_Lap 11-14-2011 06:34 AM

A net and patience. Ive gotten every fish this way.

tony_3a 11-14-2011 06:36 AM

I bought this to get my koran angel out of my tank that started to eat stuff. Worked wonders, Just put it in and leave it for 2 days, if you have a mag float use that to hold the trap suspended in the tank off the sand bed, and then after 2 days put a bit of frozen food in their so it takes some time to release pieces but releases a bit so the fish can smell it and have to swim in the trap to get some food.

Or for a tang just put a piece of nori in there wrapped around something so it does not come out and the tang should go in their pretty quick.

Hope this helps

daniella3d 11-14-2011 01:07 PM

turning all ligths off and in complete darkness, using a net and a red LED light is a good way to go. Usualy the fish don't see much of the red light and that's enough for any body to see the fish and catch it.

I had to catch my foxface with a fishing hook. Worked well. I put some white worms on the small fishing hook and he went for it and I took it out. Catching a poisonous foxface was no joy, but with the fishing hook it was easy.

And last, you can buy a trap and let the fish get used to it and when the correct fish goes inside you lower the trap door.

Carmen 11-14-2011 03:37 PM

pop bottle trap! I have caught every fish I have ever tried for! (And that would be atleast 10! Tangs are easy! Since they are usually very food motivated or the mirror trick will often work too.

this fish was a coral muncher so I used the coral it was eating as the bait - worked fabulously!

Need to put it in and let everyone get used to it - may take an hour may take a day, depending on the fish. Then feed into the bottle only, or put a mirror in the back of the bottle for "aggressive" type fishes - and just sit and watch! Will have to have a net ready to place infront of the opening to pull out - as they will figure out how to get out eventually! Good luck and abit of patience and you will get him!

patman 11-14-2011 05:09 PM

+1 on the pop bottle trap. I've also caught all mine with one.
Some food in it and they don't stand a chance. Sometimes takes a little patience for them to get used to the bottle. I've left it overnight a couple times and then reset it with food the next day.

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