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sunoka 10-25-2011 07:35 PM

Yellow Tang not eating
I have a yellow tang that has stopped eating and its breathing very fast, small red spots and the tang looks like it aged ten years. Does anybody know whats going on ? Water is good.

Bblinks 10-25-2011 07:44 PM

tough to say without looking at it, but you can try some garlic mixed with selcom added to your food and feed it to him.

George 10-25-2011 08:25 PM

Have you checked ammonia? There are signs of ammonia poison, not eating, fast breathing, red spots, etc.

sunoka 10-25-2011 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by George (Post 645006)
Have you checked ammonia? There are signs of ammonia poison, not eating, fast breathing, red spots, etc.

The other fish show no signs of ammonia poisoning. I will test I just did a 30% water change lastnight.

reefwars 10-25-2011 09:43 PM

always a good idea to do water tests before a water change or you wont get the full story.i do a water test before and after a water change just to be sure:):)

are you making sure you tang is getting lots of green food??

sunoka 10-25-2011 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 645030)
always a good idea to do water tests before a water change or you wont get the full story.i do a water test before and after a water change just to be sure:):)

are you making sure you tang is getting lots of green food??

He is getting his greens and my water is good. I do test before a water change...its like running data before you custom tune an ECM...its a crap shot with out no data.

reefwars 10-25-2011 10:05 PM

yellow tangs are usually pretty voracious eaters, i would def soak his nori in garlic and any flake food that should entice him to eat . what other fish do you have in your system?? is the yellow lethargic or does he swim near the top or bottom of the tank?? when he swims does he dash around randomly or swim with one pectoral fin?? are any of his fins tore up?? the red spots are they really red or goldish colored?? how long have you had this fish for and any new fish added recently?? pics??

start with the full story .... how you got the fish, what it looked like when bought,was it healthy looking before,how long your tank has been running.

without some more detail or pics its quite hard to say what it could be:) sorry:):)

daniella3d 10-25-2011 11:55 PM

If your water is good and there is no ammonia and other fish are not affected, it could be a bacterial infection or some parasites. I would isolate the fish in quarantine and treat it with Seachem Paraguard. Paraguard is a broad spectrum medicine that is relatively safe and will treat a lot of things, so this is usefull when you really don't know what you are fighting.

A photograph would help also.

How long do you have that fish?

When you say it aged 10 years, what do you mean? Is it covered in some type of mucous? skinny?


Originally Posted by sunoka (Post 644989)
I have a yellow tang that has stopped eating and its breathing very fast, small red spots and the tang looks like it aged ten years. Does anybody know whats going on ? Water is good.

sunoka 10-26-2011 01:29 AM

I have had it 1 year. Very skinny and the color is washed out white bloches, not swiming around staying in on part of the tank.
The fish was heathy up until last week and then started to slowly not eat.The last addition to the tank was a cleaner wrasse 2 months ago and the was the one before.


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 645087)
If your water is good and there is no ammonia and other fish are not affected, it could be a bacterial infection or some parasites. I would isolate the fish in quarantine and treat it with Seachem Paraguard. Paraguard is a broad spectrum medicine that is relatively safe and will treat a lot of things, so this is usefull when you really don't know what you are fighting.

A photograph would help also.

How long do you have that fish?

When you say it aged 10 years, what do you mean? Is it covered in some type of mucous? skinny?

reef93 10-26-2011 03:37 AM

I had 6 yellow tangs and the whole group got this red spot disease. I lost 2 fish before I treat them with Maracyn 2 saltwater treatment, and the rest had all survived after. This medicine makes your water turn to a very cloudy green, you need a quarantine tank. Without treatment your fish won't survive with this disease.

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