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ponokareefer 10-12-2011 09:18 PM

New Gigantea

Funny, it seems much more white in the picture than when looking at it in person. The mouth still isn't as tight as it should be, but overall, not too bad. I actually had to throw a couple of layers of egg crate over the anemone as it wanted to hide away from the halides.

Thank you Steve from Red Coral Edmonton.

ponokareefer 10-12-2011 09:30 PM

The mouth closed tight again, and had been most of the day. It's a very nice yellow color. :biggrin:

Delphinus 10-12-2011 10:00 PM

Cool! Def a fave of mine..

ponokareefer 10-17-2011 04:34 PM

It nearly turned itself inside out today, so it won't by much longer until it is dead. :sad:

Cugio 10-17-2011 07:01 PM

Oh no. What happened? :cry:

parkinsn 10-17-2011 08:03 PM

Have you tried to put an air stone beside it?

ponokareefer 10-17-2011 08:47 PM

RIP after one week and over a year of looking for a healthy one.

It looked very good in the store, but after 1.5 hours travel, its mouth was wide open in the bag and I thought that probably wasn't right.

Tuesday it was hiding a little bit, so I stuck egg crate above it to shield it from the MH's, and it came right out.

Wednesday it was fully inflated the whole day with its mouth only opening a little in the morning, but looking great.

On Thursday, it opened its mouth wide open in the morning. It went back to normal later that morning, but I had heard this was the sign to watch out for.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, did the exact same thing as Thursday.

Today, it's insides were right out and then started to decay a little this afternoon.

RedCoralEdmonton 10-17-2011 10:53 PM

Damn dude that sucks.... you are right it looked good in the store, did you try feeding it at all? We fed it krill twice while it was in the store successfully, only other thing I can think of, is we had it under T5, maybe the Halide was too much of a shock for him? Contradicts everything I know about carpets though lol....


reefwars 10-18-2011 12:35 AM

tricky species, ive found that gigantea's do well with mysis and krill, and they do better when they come on the rock they are on, the few ive had when ever removed from the rock always looked bad , ive lost a couple and have kept a few nice ones over the yrs but i also notice they dont drag their death on like bubbles do or sebae's when they are gonna go they die in a day or 2.give it another shot buddy just a bad luck of the draw dont let it discourage you.once you get one to like your tank its all downhill from their:):) cheers man sorry to hear about the nem:):)

ponokareefer 10-18-2011 01:46 PM

Thanks for the words of encouragement, but this is the first and last time I spend $189 only to flush it down the toilet in 8 days. I have read that after they hit a year in captivity, they become bulletproof. If there ever is a gigantea for sale from a fellow reefer and it has been in captivity for over a year, I'll jump on it. Unfortunately, they are for sale few and far between from other reefer's.

I had not tried to feed it yet as everywhere I read said to wait until it had settled in first, but it only had one good day. Food does blow around the tank fairly good at feeding time, so there is a good chance it caught a little bit.

Regarding lights, I read people on reefcentral having to shield their MH's for a couple of weeks while the gigantea got settled in, so I was prepared for that. Unfortunately it didn't seem to help.

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