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skabooya 09-06-2011 02:34 AM

Elementary You Say
Finally got a job teaching grade 6/7 split. Its gonna be hard after being on mat leave and then there being no jobs for another semester after that. But anyway, I got one anyway and am so excited. :)
I want to put a simple SW tank in the classroom. It needs to be small enough for me to carry back home a the end of the year. Simple enough so that its VERY easy to maintain, tear down and put back up. Interesting inhabitants. I find kids dont think fish to be super interesting but crabs, shrimp, worms .... basically creepy crawlies are fun. lol

Anyways this is what I am thinking.
4 gal glass tank.
Some light thing. Dunno what yet. It may even be sun lit. No super spending here if any.
Either 1 piece of LR or 1 large piece of Dead rock.
no corals unless its a hitch hiker. Even then as cool as it would be I dont think it would survive because of the low light and having to move around.
HOB filter provides flow and some filtration
inhabitants: hermit crabs 2 max, feather duster worms... anything else? Some red macro that I already have will get thrown in anyway. Shrimp are expen$ive. I would love some snails but they probably wont make it with the crabs.
OH and some sand.

Any inputs or suggestions. I want to have this planned out before actually putting it together.

MarkoD 09-06-2011 04:17 AM

maybe get a fluval edge and make a saltwater tank out of it.

its 6 gallons

fishytime 09-06-2011 04:52 AM

I would do something larger.....10-20g range.......keeping the salinity stable will be a challenge on a tank that small......theres lots of three day weekends and spring breaks and X-mas breaks to think about:wink:.....if your only gonna do a small amount of rock then you will pretty much have to go with live rock IMO......dead rock could take months before it becomes "live".....

Aquaria 09-06-2011 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 633907)
I would do something larger.....10-20g range.......keeping the salinity stable will be a challenge on a tank that small......theres lots of three day weekends and spring breaks and X-mas breaks to think about:wink:.....if your only gonna do a small amount of rock then you will pretty much have to go with live rock IMO......dead rock could take months before it becomes "live".....

I agree I have a 20g with 10g sump and I can't leave it alone for more then 3 days before water drops close to the pumps AND salinity raise to about 1.28 which u then have to lower again so not good for the inhabitants specially inverts which is what u want go bigger or plan on a ato system the fluvial edge is also a option I hear evaporation on it because of it being sealed is super low but that will run u about 140-150 with tax

Lampshade 09-06-2011 06:34 PM

Might be able to cheat a little with an ATO by using water cooler or something. Filtered water... might work? Not sure what your classroom already has, might be able to just get an RO storage tank and a float valve.

Lots of people have tanks at work, there must be a way to get it going :D. Good luck, great idea.

ScubaSteve 09-06-2011 07:34 PM

Do a 14G biocube or fluval edge. Can't get any more simple than those.

skabooya 09-06-2011 08:25 PM

Yea I would like to go bigger but if its too big (20gals) It becomes a PITA to pick up and take home for the summer.
I was thinking of simple stuff so inhabitants and rocks can come home with me and be put into my sw tank at home.
The more I think and plan on it the more I think its too much work right now. Im taking on a bunch of new courses and going back and forth with a sw tank may be a bother. Maybe when I get things more straightened out then Tat will be a good option. It would definitly be really neat for my science class.
Im looking at other easier options like a small FW tank with livebearers OR do Hermit crabs OR firebelly newt or firebelly toad. Im not sure. I do know that I would like to have something.

xiaan 09-06-2011 08:46 PM

I put a 12G Aquapod in my girlfriend's classroom (1-6 science) and had it running for 2 years. We took it home in the summer and set it back up in the fall. It had a ATO from and she did weekly 5g water changes every week from the water of our home system (200G). It mostly had soft coral in it and LPS frags from my display no fish and a small clean up crew of crabs & snails and one Coral banded shrimp.

Aquaria 09-07-2011 01:57 AM

Honestly if your serious get a fluval edge there supposed to be good little tanks only 6g would be easy to move could prob carry it:p lol put a cool pom pom crab and a neon goby a couple little hermies and a coco feather duster mabey instead of a neon goby and the hermies get a cool little prawn goby and a candy cane pistol shrimp. Bet you a hundred bucks the kids will love it and if the kids don't think it's cool then there obviously insane

BlueWorldAquatic 09-07-2011 02:03 AM

For the classroom keep it simple. fluvial edges are nice but cost around $100 for a 6 gal tank.

Get a 10 gal tank, glass top w/ aquaclear 30 simple and cheap
4 nice pieces of LR and viola.

My 2 darwins, 1 mandarin, an 10 inverts been living in the same tNk for 6 years. Top offs are 1/2 gal every week with minimal evaporation

Ken - BWA

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